Cora/Henry Sr

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One-sided (as Cora doesn't have her heart most of the time).

1. Angst :

"Did you ever love me ?

- No. I couldn't, and I didn't want to.

- Why ?

- Love is weakness.

- There was someone else before, right ?"

The name Rumpelstiltskin ison her lips, but Cora will never dare to pronounce it.

It's not as if she cared about what her husband could feel.

2. AU :

She never learned magic, finally, just had the sorcerer's help, andshe trapped him.

Cora still had her heart, and little by little, she learned to lovehim, this husband she didn't entirely choose

3. Crack!Fic :

Cora rolled her eyes. Magic and Henry, it never gave good results.

(But she allowed herself to smile.)

4. Crossover [OUATIW] :

Learn magic to Anastasia allows her to cure herself from the factthat she misses her home.

She has to confess that she misses Henry too, a little.

(She will never say it.)

5. First Time :

She feels (kind of) something else than indifference or despise forHenry as she sees him take care of Regina.

This is not love.

It's almost tenderness.

(It's sad that she doesn't allow herself to feel anything.)

6. Fluff :

Henry is a tender and loving husband, and there is a part of Corawhich doesn't really hate this.

Sometimes, she decides not make him leave, and if her heart was atits place, maybe that she would entirely savor this moment.

7. Humor :

They laughed, together, during this ball where everything began.

It's hard for Henry to recreate this magic moment, but he never stopstrying.

8. Hurt/Comfort :

After, in the Olympus, she is herself, and she apologizes.

Henry forgives her, because this is who he is, and this time, shedoesn't blame him for that.

She is dead, yes, but she never felt so alive before this instant.

9. Smut :

They had nothing before, not even a kiss, and what Henry feels is amix of apprehension and excitation. Cora is the one who reassureshim, and everything is fine.

(After Regina's birth, nothing will be like before.)

10. UST :

Her heart may not be in her chest any more, but her body is stillalive.

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