Emma & Neal & Henry

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1. Angst [S1 & S3] :

"He was a firefighter... And he died a hero."

She wishes she didn't have to lie to Henry, but that's the only choice she has for now.

It's just later, far more later, that the irony of her words as well as their involuntary prophetic impact will hit her.

(And it will hurt too, it will hurt so much.)

2. AU :

There is a version of the story where they are happy and where nothing wrong happened to them.

To know it doesn't make less painful the fact that it's not their case.

3. Crack!Fic :

"Why didn't you think to try to search for me in the Underworld ?

- The scriptwriters didn't think about it yet...

- Oh, what an excuse."

4. Crossover [GOT] :

"Wait, first, the curse, then Cora, Hook, Greg, Tamara, Peter Pan, after that we had to face Zelena, now, white walkers ? Are we still cursed ?"

5. First Time [3x11] :

He loses them again, just after they finally succeeded to destroy Peter Pan.

It's cruel, really.

6. Fluff :

Pan is locked up in a cage, Henry is safe, Emma seems to be less angry at him than she used to be...

Everything is fine.

7. Humor :

"So, Neal is Baelfire, and then, what are we going to learn ? That Rapunzel is in reality Lady Tremaine ?

- Well... how do I say it... Yes.

- Wait, what ?"

8. Hurt/Comfort :

He dies, and as Emma cries, the only thing that comforts him a little, it's the fact that Henry won't be too sad because of his death, at least during some days.

9. Smut :

Yes, they did it again in Neverland...

No, clearly, it was not the moment, and yes, they did save Henry.

10. UST :

Between the pirate, the Savior, and the Lost Boy, this story really begins to look like a telenovela...

Luckily, Henry is not here to see this...

Next chapter : Outlaw and evil queen.

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