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1. Angst :

Her father is gone, and there is nothing she can do to change it.

2. AU :

"An arranged marriage ? But mother, you promised me...

- Wait to meet her before protesting, you will see, she is really charming.

- ...

- ...

- What do you mean by she ?

(In the end, her mother was right.)

3. Crack!Fic :

A talking dragon, seriously ?

What did the inhabitants of this world smoke to think her story really happened this way ?

4. Crossover [Robin Hood] :

Merida is mumbling, offended that she was defeated at archery by a fox with a ridiculous outfit and who talks, dammit.

Mulan smiles and rolls her eyes.

Her girlfriend is so susceptible.

5. First Time :

Merida never thought she could love someone, before she met Mulan.

The warrior's smile proved her she was wrong.

6. Fluff :

Mulan has nothing to do with the arrogant warriors who keep celebrating themselves, but she is not either like these women who despise her for wanting to fight as a man.

She is perfect, and Merida almost feels like her heart is going to explode because of how much happy she is.

7. Humor :

"Wait, so you mean my father made you come here, not only to train me, but also because he wants me to find someone ? Dad, I don't need you to try to help me with my love life, I can handle it by myself !"

8. Hurt/Comfort :

Mulan already had her heart broken one time, and she is terribly afraid that Merida, even without knowing it, could do the same.

This last one shows her that, in reality, she has nothing to do with Aurora.

She will choose her, because she loves her.

9. Smut :

It's something none of them knows, but it doesn't matter.

Together, they will learn it.

10. UST :

Merida is fighting with her, as they train, as always, and suddenly, strangely, she feels in her a fire she never felt before, and that she doesn't understand.

(She doesn't know if she wants to understand.)

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