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1. Angst :

He just tried to kill Rumplestiltskin, he almost succeeded, during this damn ball, and it's just there, just at this precise moment, that he finally realizes that Neal is Baelfire.

He must be cursed by someone.

2. AU :

He was cheating on his wife, on Emma, and he couldn't even blame himself for that.

He should have.

(Like mother, like son...)

3. Crack!Fic :

"So, if I understand this, the author changed the story to... make that kind of thing ?

- What the hell is this ?

- Shut up, I am the author, I am the one who decides what happens in my story, is that clear ?

- Yes madam."

4. Crossover [Non-Wishverse. S3A. Neverland] :

"Whoa, they are so stupid, the pirate said, dismayed, as he looked at the other him and the other Neal quarreling while they were supposed to help each other to capture Pan's shadow, and well, they also had a kid to save, goddammit !

- But, well... this is not us that !

- I am afraid they are...

- What did we do exactly to deserve that ?

- Well, I have no idea..."

5. First Time :

The pirate came back from Neverland, and as he sees him again for the first time, he has no idea of what he is supposed to feel.

(He chooses anger, in the end.)

6. Fluff :

"Are you and my dad together ? Alice asked him with a curious air on her face.

Neal decided to be honest.

- No, but I wish it was the case."

7. Humor :

When Gold realized what exactly was the nature of the relationship of his son and his nemesis in this other world, he simply fainted.

(No, I will never get bored of this !)

8. Hurt/Comfort :

"You love him.

- No, I don't.

- Liar."

Emma knew the truth, obviously.

She had always knew that there was someone else before her, before their short relationship, and now that the pirate was back in his life, she knew.

She knew it was him.

And she was truly sorry.

9. Smut :

He had kissed him, at the ball, during the night.

He shouldn't have.

He had fled just after, obviously, and now, the only thing he has is a burning and unsatisfied desire that he knows he should not feel.

10. UST :

He had rapidly looked at the princess, but he hadn't done it for long, his eyes rapidly going on this young man he was sure he had seen somewhere else.

And the blushing he provoked in him every time he flirted with him was simply adorable.

Next chapter : A duo between two wizards, father and son.

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