Neal/Hook (season 3)

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1. Angst [3x15] :

It was so cruelly ironic, wasn't it, that in the end, it was precisely at the moment where him and Neal were going to be reconciled and maybe be able to trust each other again, that the Gods, or fate, or anything else, took him away from him ?

This day, for the first time since Milah's death, Killian Jones learned again how to hate someone who wasn't Rumplestiltskin.

2. AU :

Tell their secrets hadn't been enough to set him free...

When the pirate had fallen, dead, Neal had surprised himself at least as much as he surprised the other when he had began to bay.

3. Crack!Fic :

"I decided that I would stop to try to court Emma Swan.

- Oh ? Why ?

- I found someone else I am much more interested in...

- Ah ? He asked, curious. Who ?

- You."

Neal chocked on his beer.

The worst in this situation, was that the pirate was deadly serious.

Well, he was still not out of the woods...

(Literally and figuratively speaking...)

4. Crossover [GOT.] :

"So, Jaime Lannister is your ex ?

- Yes.

- Should I feel jealous ?

- Don't worry, he is with Brienne of Tarth now, so the answer is no.

- Good."

5. First Time :

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be

Yes, they could have been so much things, and as he saw him again on this damn island, as before, Killian finally realized it for the first time.

It shouldn't have hurt that much...

6. Fluff :

"I don't want just to fight for Henry... I want to fight for you too..."

Neal asked himself if the pirate would one day stop with the declarations that made his heart stop with joy, or at the contrary made it beat faster than ever.

(He hoped he never would.)

7. Humor :

"How do you think Gold will take it, when he learns it ?

- Badly... really badly. But how much, I don't know.

- It will be a carnage, but I still don't know who will be the first victim.

- I predict the apocalype...

- I bet 50 dollars on a heart attack personnally.

- Ruby !

- What ? He is immortal !"

8. Hurt/Comfort :

Maybe that now, things could be like they were before in Neverland, as before the betrayal...

9. Smut [MadWhale inside] :

"Do you think they slept together in Neverland ? Ruby asked to Whale and Jefferson.

- Now, I think that every member of this trip at least slept one time with someone during their journey on the island, the Mad Hatter muttered.

- Well, in fact, I am not sure that I want to know..."

10. UST :

I didn't forget.

The truth is that, he had forgot so much things and others which happened during the previous year, and Killian didn't even succeed to blame him for that.

It wasn't his fault if because of the curse he had forgotten how much their relationship had evolved.

He had to do it again...

It didn't matter.

For him, it clearly worth it.

Next chapter : A witch and a god.

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