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1. Angst [2x22] :

Neal is dead, Emma is angry, and Hook is sad.

They both lost him, they are trying to mourn thanks to alcohol, too much alcohol, and even the fact that they have to save Henry is almost not enough to make them fight back again.

2. AU [3x11. Neal came with Emma and Henry in New York] :

"Can I know what you're doing here ? Neal said with anger to the pirate, while Emma, next to him, was looking at him with surprise.

- Neal... Who is he ?

Her husband didn't answer to her, still looking at his former lover with anger, as he forgot because of the curse what happened in Neverland, as he forgot their common story, of the three of them.

Hook began to smile to him.

It was going to take time to him, so much time.

- Hello love... Did you miss me ? Did the two of you miss me ? He added."

His smile became larger when he saw how astonished they were.

3. Crack!Fic :

"We are together, they announced, abruptly.

- But... how. Why ?

- I always hated triangle love, Emma answered. So, it makes the problem disappear. And by the way, the author loves poly-amorous relationships."

4. Crossover [Au revoir là-haut. Mention of the ship Albert Maillard/Édouard Péricourt, because I love this ship even if it's not canon] :

A drawer who is a facially disfigured war veteran and a former soldier traumatized by the First World War both succeed to be happy at a period where it is not easy to be for them, so, why not them too ?

5. First Time :

He never just wanted Emma, he wanted (and he still wants, and it won't change) Emma and Neal, and this last one just understands this when, in Neverland, after they found and saved Henry, the pirate puts his lips on his to make him shut up.

6. Fluff :

Emma looks at the two men she loves being with Henry, seeing him more or less as their son (it changes if it's Neal or Killian), and she smiles.

Now, they really are a family.

7. Humor [In Neverland] :

"Couldn't you please do something else now ? Asked a furious Regina to them. We have Henry to find back, I remind you."

The three lovers didn't have the time to tell her that Henry had been already find back.

8. Hurt/Comfort :

"I couldn't stop loving you, she confesses. But I don't think I could stop loving him either, Emma tells to Neal with tears in her eyes, in the cave where he is locked up, and this, after what Killian said about the fact that he was in love with two people."

She expects to be rejected as the door of the cage opens, but he smiles, and with her agreement, he kisses her.

"I'm okay with this, because I don't intend to stop loving the two of you either."

9. Smut :

Emma's hands on his body, and Killian's lips on his.

It's perfect.

10. UST :

Neal is not jealous of the kiss that they shared, he is jealous that he was not here.

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