Peter Pan/Henry.

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Author's notes :It's a pairing thatI really don't ship, but that had been suggested to me, and which isa challenge for me. And of, course, presence of incest and underage.

1. Angst :

Henry gavehim his heart. It must mean something, no ?

(Pan wishes it was the case, but it's not.)

2. AU [Whatif Pan didn't lie ?] :

Under the other' horrified look, Henry links his soul to the islandof Neverland, and a magic old of many centuries finally invades him.

Yes, Pan didn't lie, and Henry is going to help him save magic.

But not a good one, a cruel and dark magic, and Emma has a cry ofhorror, as she sees darkness invading Henry.

Theyoung boy's look has nothing to do with what it used to be. They knowit.

Now, Henry is going to choose Pan. He will always choose him.

And they will be able to do nothing against that.

(And darkness will win too.

It's one of the consequences.)

3. Crack!Fic :

Henry's look on him is not only skeptical, but also circumspect.

"So... it's going to help us save Neverland and magic."

Pan nods, and tries an innocent air, that almost works.

Almost.But Henry doesn't buy it.

"You know that I don't believe it ?"

Pan sighs.

Too bad.

4. Crossover [HP] :

In this world, anyone who has magic can fly.

Pan's look is full of amazement, and Henry would almost smile, if hedidn't know what kind of monster he is.

5. First Time :

"Ibelieve in you", finally says Henry for the first time to Pan, ashe finally lost his hope to be saved, and that stay with Pan is theonly thing he can still do.

Pansmiles, reassured, and satisfied that he finally defeated hisresistance.

And he thinks about what Henry doesn't know, and in his spirit, hesees again the dead bodies of the Savior, Regina, Hook, and of theother.

He smiles.

Henry is his now.

He won.

6. Fluff :

They all know that Henry had been take because Pan wants his heart.

But the thing they don't know is that it had never been supposed tobe understood in a literal way.

7. Humor :

Emma's air of incomprehension on her face is not hilarious, but notfar from this.

"Wait, you became friendwith Pan ? But, youcame to save you !

-Itwas not necessary, Henry answers.

- Oh, maybe that we slept together too", adds Pan, so he will makethings worse.

This time, Emma's face is full of furor.

"What ? You, bastard, go there so I can kill you !"

(He doesn't tell her that it may be a lie.

Or maybe not.

Who knows ?)

8. Hurt/Comfort :

Henry thinks about his father, and this family so far from him, thathe lost, and will never have again.

Pan then plays and music invades Henry, and at that moment, it's justas if all these people never existed.

9. Smut :

Henry trembles, but not with fear. Pan is there, and he smiles,thinking that this story of heart and magic can wait.

Hedidn't think that corrupt him could have been so interesting andpleasant...

10. UST :

If Henry stays enough time with him, Pan thinks that he will make himfall easily.

He is just waiting for this.

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