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1. Angst :

She is going to loose her, because of this damn spell, and she curses Zelena for this, for daring to attack Dorothy.

She regrets it, at that moment, that she didn't tell her.

That she didn't tell her "I love you".

2. AU [Modern setting – no magic] :

Dorothy is a nurse, Ruby is a patient a little drunk that shouldn't be there.

Their encounter arrives a little by chance, and yes, it's a cliché, but it doesn't matter.

3. Crack!Fic :

"No, Ruby is not my wolf pet, so now, please, go before she eats you leg."

4. Crossover [Fairy Tales] :

Fairy tales talk about princesses, heroes, and traditional happy endings.

They are a wolf and an adventurer, their fairy tale is everything but traditional, and they don't care.

5. First Time :

Dorothy is a warrior who knows how to fight.

Granny immediately approves her grand-daughter's choice the first time she sees her.

6. Fluff :

Ordinary, the expression "I will go into Hell for you", is just metaphorical.

Ruby took it literally, she went into it, and she saved her.

7. Humor :

"Do you intend to shoot me again ?

- I never shot you.

- Oh, too bad, I wanted to compare you to Cupid, and to tell you that you sent an arrow right into my heart.

- Do you know that it's absurd ?

- I never said the contrary."

8. Hurt/Comfort :

Dorothy lost her aunt, forever, because of Hades.

She suffers, it's true, but she knows that Ruby will always be here.

9. Smut :

The advantage of Oz, is that no one follows them or comes to see them, most of the time.

10. UST :

Before they told each other everything, the two women suffered from a lack they couldn't explain.

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