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1. Angst :

His brain screams : Traitor.

His heart asks : Why ?

He will never know.

2. AU :

First lover doesn't always rhyme with love which will last forever.



Hum... how could I say that...

(I think I said something wrong...

Well, that wouldn't be the first time I would.)

Well, yes of course it does, but just know that here, it doesn't work this way, and that Neal was perfectly happy with Tamara, no matter what other people could say.

3. Crack!Fic :

"Could you explain me, please, why, for God's sake, with all the women existing in the world, I had to date one of the only one who knows magic ? Between you and Emma, I will have soon to stay alone if I want to be far from magic and all this crap ! Bloody hell, even by dating Hook, I would succeed to stay far from magic more easily !

- ...

- Hum, wait a second... Why did I have this example in mind exactly ?

- Our author is always focused on this ship, it's like an obsession for her, like StepQueen...

- Shit... We are so fucked...

- Indeed, we are..."

4. Crossover [GOT. Tyrion/Shae] :

Tyrion had been broken by Shae's betrayal, because she was the one he had loved.

Neal, at least, had the advantage that he had never really loved her.

5. First Time :

Their first meeting itself had just been a trap, a great joke.

How could he still trust her ?

6. Fluff :

It shouldn't hurt that much, she thinks as he falls.

7. Humor :

"Why am I the villain ? Tamara exclaimed as she read the script.

- Why am I the victim ? Neal complained."

8. Hurt/Comfort :

She never loved him, but it doesn't mean that his death is not a new weight on her conscious already too much charged.

To excuse herself, she tries to believe that she did this in order to be able to do what is right.

(Her trip to Neverland will prove her wrong.

And will cost her her life.)

9. Smut :

She is here, in his bed, in his arms, and this way, it really feels like she is betraying Greg.

The problem is that, by thinking about it, thinking about him, she betrays Neal too.

(It shouldn't be a problem, and it wouldn't be, if she was not such a liar.)

10. UST :

It was strange, really strange that, as she was in Greg's bed, with this one, that she suddenly thinks about Neal.

She lives with him since almost one year, after all.

It left marks on her.

Next chapter : Shadow and heart ripped out.

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