Regina & Henry

13 1 0

1. Angst :

I found my real mom !

How on hell did she let things worsen this way, how did she not see how much her own son hated her ?

2. AU [No Curse] :

She was his mother, for God's sake, maybe not through blood, but it didn't change it !

How could he dare denying all these last ten years like they never existed ?

3. Crack!Fic :

"No mom, to rip out a man's heart, and then crush it just because you're upset, it's not sane at all !

You're just completely insane !"

4. Crossover [GOT] :

What makes them look alike, her and Cersei, beyond their love for power, is their love for their children.

5. First Time :

I am a mother now.

And Henry, I promise you, I will do everything not to be a mother like the one Cora was with me.

6. Fluff [Pre-season 1] :

"Mom ?"

The first time her son said those words, Regina Mills felt her heart explode with joy.

Yes, sweetheart, it's me.

I am your mother.

7. Humor [Pre-season 1] :

"Hum, mom ? Why are you looking at Miss Blanchard with an evil air while holding in the air the apple turnover you baked for me for the snack ? And why do you look like you're going to burst with laughter at any moment ?

- For nothing sweetheart, for nothing..."

8. Hurt/Comfort [3x11] :

Her heart was tore apart between the happiness of knowing that Henry was happy, and the certitude that her son would never remember her anymore.

9. Smut [Regina/Leopold evoked] :

She would want Henry to understand what she can't tell him with words, to realize that things are not always all white or black, and that to be queen never was good or well for her.

She would want him to understand that, if she killed her husband, that's because she wanted to free herself from the man who, if he was a good father, never was a good husband to her.

But how could a ten years old child understand that kind of thing ?

10. UST [Henry/Violet] :

Ah, the first emotion and excitement of the teenagers.

How cute it is.

Next chapter: Duo about a wizard and a fairy that he hates.

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