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1. Angst :

They are both too much consumed by hatred to succeed to make something beautiful come from this.

This story will end badly.

2. AU [Different temporality. Daniel and Milah don't exist] :

"What are you doing here ? The pirate asked to the princess he had met some months ago.

- My mother wants me to be queen. I don't want it. I want to be free.

- What... What do you want ?

- Let me come with you ! Regina begged him. Please.

Killian shrugged.

What did he have to loose, after all ?

They would go to another kingdom, anyway.

- Why not...

The woman's face illuminated, and she handed him her hand.

- Do we have a deal ?

He smiled.

- We do... he said, shaking her hand."

3. Crack!Fic :

"So, you spent years trying to kill a little girl because she didn't keep a secret, instead of trying to get revenge on your mother ? Am I the only one who thinks it's not really logical ?

- Oh, shut up, it's not me who writes the script !"

4. Crossover [Tales From the Kingdoms] :

"You fell in love with your step-daughter ?

- You fell in love with a pirate ! Don't give me lessons, will you ?"

5. First Time :

He sees her there, lying on this table, screaming in pain, and there he realizes the truth.

Maybe that he did a mistake.

6. Fluff :

"I am happy the town didn't explode and that you didn't die.

- I am happy you came back."

7. Humor :

"What is this story of perm exactly ?

- Hum, how could I explain this..."

8. Hurt/Comfort [2x21] :

She still had something to fight for, something which is not revenge, she still has someone.

He envies her, a little.

It won't stop him from betraying her.

9. Smut :

Gods, luckily Belle was unconscious at this moment.

She would have been traumatized, if it had been the contrary.

10. UST :

Their respective revenges stopped a lot of things from happening.

That's too bad...

Next chapter : Two people who hate magic and never really loved each other.

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