Get Out

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The true strength of any relationship is the measured in bad times, not good— J. Stanford

Sabrina's POV:
It's been two years since me and Chris been dating. Well we've been on and of. It's crazy how you can love someone so much but you don't get the same love from them. Well that's me and Chris. In past two years we gotten in fights and we will break up. You guys are probably wondering why I keep going back to him even after the hurt and dishonesty. Well Chris is my first love ever.

"Girl are you listening to me," my best friend Kylie said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry what did you say," I said looking at her.

"I said I'm having a party tomorrow and want you to come and you can bring a date," she said smiling at me.

"Okay great, I really need a party. I have so much on my mind,  I just need a day of relaxation," I said drinking my wine.

"So how is the new job going?" She asked looking through her purse.

"Awesome it's like a playground. I have my own office working with so many people and doing a lot of crazy projects," I said taking a bite of my cake.

"Well I'm happy for you," she said.

"Well thank you," I said looking at her. "So I better head home. I have some pictures I have to edit so see you tomorrow," I said getting up.

"Okay bye girl. Thanks for the lunch," she said getting up to hug me. We hugged and I headed to my car. I got home. I live in a little town out of Los Angeles. I have a little house.

I got a glass of red wine and started working on my pictures. I have an awesome job. I'm a photojournalist, love every bit of it. A few hours past and it was eight in the evening. Chris walked in and did not say a word to me. He walked in the kitchen and I followed.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing, I'm tired and I'm heading to bed," he said walking to the stairs.

"Please don't take food upstairs, Chris. You know how much that bothers me," I said looking at him.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change and I will be down," he said putting his phone on the counter. I walked away and was working on my pictures. Then I heard his phone buzzing like he was getting text messages. I walked over and saw it. I looked at the texted

Babe👅👅👅😍😍😍: Hey Chris I had a lot of fun today. I would love to do this again.

Few seconds later

Babe👅👅👅😍😍😍: I can you come over tonight so we can continue

I got so mad, so angry, and so hurt. I could not believe what I was reading. Tears started flowing down my face. He came down and looked at me. "What's wrong with you?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"What's wrong with me? You want to know what's wrong with me, Chris. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME," I yelled and picked his phone and through it at him.

"What the hell," he said catching it.

"HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE CHRIS?" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"What are you talking about?" He asked with a harsh tone.

"Don't act dump Chris. You're cheating on me and I caught. You're such an asshole. You know what I don't care. Get out. GET OUT OFF MY HOUSE," I yelled walking upstairs.

I walked upstairs, went to the draws took his clothes, walked to the top of the stairs and threw it down. "You don't want to leave then I will put you out. You're such a pathetic person. I trusted you. You have hurt me so many time that I've had it with you," I said throwing his clothes at him. "I want you out of my life."

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