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The only consolation of saying goodbye to someone you love is the glimmer of hope that someday after that goodbye there will be another hello — Via Curiano

Chris's POV:

I guess it is true, you don't know how good you have it until it leaves your life. Sabrina and I have been separated for a whole year. I really miss her and everything, it's crazy that I can't move on without her. She's different, like I've dated so many other girls, break up with them, and move on, but Sabrina it's like she has a spell on me. I think I'm in love with her. I've been working on my new album Heartbreak on a Full Moon, but before I put it out I want Sabrina to hear a song that I wrote for her.

I went her photography website and got her email. I got on my phone and email her:

Hey Sabrina, I know it's been a year since we've talked and I just really want you to listen to this song please. Stay Breezy

I emailed her and waited for to response.

Sabrina's POV:

I walked in and got to my desk. Turn on my Mac computer. As soon as I opened it an email popped up. I opened it and read it and my heart dropped. It was Chris. Me and him have not talked in a year and got damn I was just getting over him. I listened to the song. It was a very pretty song. I look at the email address for second and closed it.

A few hours later

"So I don't know if to respond back or not, the song is very pretty," I said talking to Kylie.

"Maybe it's an apology song. Come on I have to admit that Sean and I miss you guys together," she said sipping her drink.

"I don't know, what if he just messing with me and it's for another girl," I said looking at the email address.

"Well if you're not then I will, give me the phone," she said opening her hands in front of me.

"No I will do it myself but later," I said sipping my drink.

A few hours later

I still haven't respond yet. All I could think about was him. I got home, changed and got on my computer. Looked at the email once again and hit respond.

Hey, um I really like the song. She must be a lucky one. Thanks for reaching out um bye. Sabrina

I responded and few minutes later he responded back.

Chris: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

Me: so who is it for

Chris: someone that I hurt really bad and everything about her I miss.

Me: I'm so sorry. She must have been a really good one

Chris: yeah Sabrina the song is for you. Look I really miss you and what I did to you was wrong and I'm so sorry and I want you back

Me: Sorry Chris I told you I was done and I've given you so many chances and it backed fired.

Chris: give me this one chance and if I mess up you leave me. And I will not bother you after that. I promise I will make stuff right

Me : how do I know that you're not lying

Chris: Cause you know me better than anyone that I do not break promises

I look at the message and it was true when he makes a promise he will stay with it.

Me: meet at my studio tomorrow

Chris: really thank you Sabrina. You will not regret this

Me: hope I don't

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