Late Night

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Sabrina's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and Chris was on the couch sleeping. I got out off bed went to my closet and got a blanket for him. I put it on him and took the remote out off his hand and change the channel. I turned to Disney because at night that's when all the good shows comes on. I laid there for about an hour watching TV and Chris woke up.  "Hey, What are you doing up," he asked.

"Um, I got hot," I said looking at him.

"But it's freezing in here,," he said looking at me. "Feeling any better."

"No, my body still hurts," I said looking at the TV.

"Well, Babe at least try to go to sleep," he said.

"I will try, but once I'm up, I'm up. I can't go back to sleep," I said looking at him.

"Well, close your eyes," he said looking at me. A few minutes later.

"Babe are you sleep," I said looking at him.

"No, why?" He asked.

"Just curious," I said smiling at him.

"Babe what's on your mind," he asked.

"Nothing, my mind is clear," I said looking at the TV.

"Well go to bed," he said getting up. He walked over and check my forehead. "You're still burning up. Try to get some sleep," he said kissing my forehead.

"Good night," I said.

"Good night," he said

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