Don't Get Jealouse

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Sabrina's POV:

I got to the studio and went inside. I saw Chris in the recording area doing a song with a girl. I'm not jealous or anything but who the fuck is this girl. He saw me and smiled and I did the same. After they were done with the song he came out. "Hey," he said smiling at me.

"Hey, Babe," I said smiling back.

"You got your camera," he asked.

"Yeah, got it," I said.

"Um can you take a picture of me and Agnez," he said and the girl that was in the studio walked out.

"Um Yeah sure why not," I said getting up. He handed me his phone. They did one pose that just cut me off guard. He had his hand around her waist, then he give her the look he give me. Then they did went outside and took two pictures. I got a little jealous. I walked up to him. "I'm gonna head home, I don't feel so good."

"What's wrong?"  He asked looking at me.

"Nothing, I'm just gonna head home and make you lunch," I said looking at him.

"Okay, Love you," he said kissing me on the cheek.

"Yeah, Love you too," I said walking away. I got home that day and made him lunch but he didn't show up. Then I waited till dinner and he didn't come. I went upstairs to the bedroom and lie down, then I fell asleep. Then all of a sudden I felt something on my back.

"Babe," he whispered in my ear.

"What?" I said not looking at him.

"Sorry I couldn't make to lunch or dinner," he said.

"Yeah, it's whatever," I said rolling over.

"Babe come on, we got busy and it was just one song I had to do," he said.

"Okay, Chris I don't care," I said then he pull me over. Then he peck me on the lips.

"I'm sorry," he said pecking me again. Then he playfully started kissing in my neck. I chuckle a bit. Then he started tickling me.

"Stop," I said laughing. "Babe, stop." He kept on tickling me. Then he stop and got on top off me.

"I miss you today, couldn't stop thinking about you," he said kissing me on the lips. I kissed back. We started getting sloppy with the kissing. "I love you baby," he said into the kiss.

"I love you too, Chris," I said pulling back looking in his eyes.

"I'm sorry once again for the lunch thing," he said. "I should've call-." I cut him off.

"Shh, shh, babe it's fine," I said pecking his lip. I wrapped arms around his neck. He fell on me. Then all of a sudden I heard a little snores coming from him. I chuckle. "Babe," I whispered and he was out. I kissed him on the head. Then fell back asleep.

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