I Never Thought

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Chris POV:

I woke up and Sabrina was wrapped up in the sheets. She was knocked out. Her hair was messy, her clothes is halfway off her body. I chuckle to myself. I went downstairs and started making breakfast. Few minutes later I took the food up to her. "Sabrina," I whispered rubbing her back.

"Hm," she said not flinching a bit.

"Baby wake up. I made you breakfast," I said looking at her.

"Okay, I'm coming," she said.

"Here I just brought it up here, so you don't have to get up," I said. She sat up and looked at me.

"Thank you, Chris," she said. She ate so fast.

"Babe slow down," I said.

"I'm sorry this is really good and also I didn't eat dinner yesterday," she said smiling. She finished her food went back under the covers. I walked to the bathroom and found the thermostat. I came back to the room.

"Babe let me check your temperature," I said. She opened her mouth and I put the thermostat in. The temperature read 97* "Okay it's going down."

"Good because I don't like being sick," she said smiling at me.

"I will stay with you and hang out," I said looking at her.

"Okay, thank you babe," she said looking at me.

"Um so what do you do on your days off," I asked looking at her.

"Well I don't really get days off unless I'm sick, but other then that I really don't have a life after we You know," she said looking at me.

"Oh, so I got you out there," I said looking at her.

"Yeah, you opened a whole new world for me. And after we you know broke up, I started working a lot to distract myself from you," she said reaching for the remote. She turned the TV on and Disney came on.

"Royalty misses you," I said looking at her. She chuckled.

"I miss her too, she's an adorable little girl," she said smiling at me. "Look too much like you."

"I know, good looks from her daddy," I said and she smiled.  "Imma go down and get some movies and we can relax."

"Okay, make sure you pick good ones because you have bad taste," she said looking at me with a smirk.

"Shut up," I said getting up. I went downstairs and got some movies. I came back up and with the movies and Sabrina was out. "Babe, wake up."

"Mmm," she said smiling at me. "I'm sorry, I'm never like this. You should go home Chris. You will be very lonely."

"You sure you don't want me to stay," I said looking at her.

"Yes, I'm sure go home," she said.

The Next Day:

I came back to Sabrina's house and she was up because the music was blasting. I knock on the door and she opened it. "Good Morning, I see you're doing better," I said looking at her.

"I feel amazing, I just needed some sleep," she said looking at me. "Come in."

"Okay, What are we doing today," I asked walking in.

"Um well I'm just packing that's all," she said looking at me.

"Oh okay," I said looking around. "Why are you packing your clothes?"

"Um, I um also donating them too," she said looking at me.

"All of them," I asked looking at her.

"No only the ones that does not fit anymore," she said turning around. She bend down to pick up some stuff and I went behind her and picked her up. "What is this for?" She asked looking at me.

"I miss you," I said smiling at her.

"I miss you too," she said kissing me. "So Halloween is almost here, I want to hear the the album before you put it out."

"Um sure want to see the cover first," I said looking at her.

"Yeah, sure I don't mind," she said as I put her down. I pulled my phone out and showed it to her. "Wow that is so amazing."

"Thanks it's ready just in time for this weekend," I said looking at her. She looked at me and smiled. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that I use to think we will never get to this point, where you and I are both happy, but it's actually here," she said looking at me.

"You know I love you right," I said looking at her.

"Yes, I know," she said looking at me then she smiled.

"I love you," I said giving her a hug.

"I love you too," she said pecking my lips. "So let's hear that album of yours."

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