Let's Talk

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You and I always have unfinished business — unknown
Sabrina's POV:

"Are you trying to seduce me," I said smiling to myself.

"Is it working," he whispered in my ear.

"No and get your hands off me," I said turning around looking at him.

"Look Sabrina I'm sorry I really miss you. I get mad at myself everyday that I fucked stuff up with you," he said leaning on the wall looking at me.

"This is exactly what I wanted Chris for you to get mad at yourself for treating me the way you did and you will learn from your lesson. I stopped talking to you, so you could feel hurt and if you ever get into a relationship with another women you would treat her right or maybe better than me," I said smiling at him.

"Yes I've learned my lesson. I'm deeply down to my balls and beyond that sorry for hurting you," he said taking my hands and I chuckle at what he said.

"Where you learn that?" I asked smiling at him.

"Don't know but I meant it. Sabrina I want you back and I promise I won't hurt you," he said looking at me. "Can we go to lunch and talk?" He asked looking down at me.

"Can we ordered pizza cause I have a lot to do here," I said looking up at him.

"Yeah sure. So Sabrina can you take me back?" He said getting on his knees.

"Oh my gosh get up Chris," I said laughing.

"Will you," he said giving me a sad puppy dog look.

"Get up then you will get your answer," I said looking down at him. He got up and smiled.

"Okay I'm up," he said smiling at him. I looked at him for while. God I hope I'm making the right decision. Looked at him and at his pink lips and crashed mine into his. He kissed back, he pulled me closer deepening the kiss. Then he stopped leaned his forehead on mine. His hands on the side of my neck. "I love you so much and I promise I won't hurt you," he said looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too," I said pecking him lips.

"So I'm gonna take that as a yes I can have you back?" He asked smiling.

"Yes, I will give you another chance. You will have a month to impress me don't blow it," I said smiling at him.

"I promise I won't," he said holding me tight. "I got you back."

"Well I'm hungry to so let's order that pizza and enjoy," I said grabbing my phone.

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