I'm Not Sick

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Sabrina POV:

We got home and Hong out a little bit. It was time for him to go. "Okay, I got to go," he said looking at my time.

"Okay babe," I said looking at him and then I started sneezing.

"You good babe," he said looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just my allergies acting up," I lied.

"I didn't know you had allergies," he said looking at me.

"Um yeah, I do," I said looking at him. "You should probably head out."

"Okay um I will see you later," he said trying to give me a hug.

"Um no don't hug me, I don't want my germs to get on you," I said looking at him.

"Babe I don't care," he said hugging me. I pulled away. He headed out. After he left I started shaking like I was cold. I check the temperature in the room and it was 75*. I went upstairs and got my blanket wrapped up and sat on my bed. I fell asleep. I woke up and was hot. I had a headache and my entire body was aching. I got up and went to my bathroom for the thermostat and my temperature was 106*.

"Fuck, I'm sick. I don't like being sick," I said to myself. I went back to my bed and sat there. I turn the TV on watched it and after a while, I fell asleep again.

Chris's POV:

I was hanging out at the studio and I called Sabrina to talk to her but she didn't answer. I called again. "Hey babe, just checking up on you making sure everything is okay. Um, we're almost done with the song. I want to come over tonight so we can hang out if that's okay with you."

"Yo Chris come on. We're almost done," Dicky said.

"Um. I'm coming. Um, I love you babe and I got to go," I said hanging up the phone. I'm hella worried about this girl. She never told me she had allergies and I think she's lying about having it. I walked into the recording studio and put the headphones on. "Okay, I'm ready." We recorded the songs and took pictures of us in the studio. After we left to get to our car and left. I was in the car driving and I called Sabrina she didn't answer. I left a message. I was close to home. "What the fuck is going on with her? She's not answering, this bitch better not be cheating on me." I turn the car around and sped to her house.

I knocked on the door and she didn't answer. I look under the rug. I opened the door and went inside. I look in the living room she was not there. I looked in the kitchen she was not there. I went upstairs in the bedroom and she was in bed wrapped up in the comforter and the TV was on. "Babe," I called her name rubbing her arm.

"Hmmm," she said rolling over to look at me.

"Are you okay," I said looking at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired," she said putting the cover over her head. I took the cover off and felt her forehead. She was burning up.

"Babe, you're sick," I said looking at her.

"I'm not sick, I'm just tired," she said looking at me and then she sneezed.

"Babe, you're sick," I said looking at her. "I'm staying over. I will be in the guest room."

"Chris, just go home. I can take care of myself, I've done it before. Just go home," she said looking at me.

"I'm not going home," I said taking my jacket off.

"FUCK, CHRIS JUST GO HOME. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU CARE AT ALL. I'VE TAKEN CARE OF MYSELF BEFORE," she yelled. Then she looked at my face. "I'm sorry, look I just don't like people to see me like this. Look just go home, Chris."

"I'm not going home, I'm here to take care of you," I said sitting on the couch that was in her room. "Where is the remote?"

"You're not changing the channel," she said looking at me.

"You're not even watching TV," I said looking at her.

"And your point is," she said smiling at me.

"Go to bed with your sick self," I said smiling at her. I got up and kissed her cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too," she said.

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