Chapter 12

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Chris's POV:

I dropped Sabrina of at work and head to Nicki's house. "Hey, what you doing here?" She asked smiling at me.

"So remember Sabrina the girl I use to date?" I asked her.

"Yeah, she's the nice one," she said. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing, me and her are back together and I'm trying to make her believe that I've change my ways. So I invited her to the club tonight and I really want to make her feel welcome, so can you come," I asked looking at her.

"Yeah sure I want to meet her again. She's really nice," she said smiling at me.

"Thanks Nicki," I said smiling at her.

"How did she let your yellow looking ass back with her," she asked.

"Easy, I apologize," I said looking at her.

"And she forgive you. Yeah she's too nice," she said.

"Nah, once you get to know her not really. She's that type of girl that does not have a sensor to her what comes out of her mouth," I said smiling.

"Chris, you do the same thing," she said smiling at me. "But I will be there for you."

"Okay thanks," I said.

Sabrina's POV:

I went to lunch with Kylie. "So you guys are back together?" She asked looking at me while we were walking in the mall.

"Yes, and I believe he have change in a way. Anyway I want to pick something sexy for tonight," I said looking at her.

"Okay I got the right place. Is he picking you up or are you driving there?" She asked.

"I'm driving there," I said smiling at her.

"Nice, well me and Sean are going out tonight and I want to pick out something sexy so I can set the mood for tonight. I mean I been missing his dick," she said and I started laughing.

"You are so nasty," I said chuckling.

"You and Chris hit it yet," she asked looking at me.

"No I just wanna take it slow. I don't want to rush into anything yet and I didn't tell him I'm moving," I said looking at her.

"You have to tell him," she said walking into Guess.

"I know but I just want to enjoy the moment while it last then I can tell him," I said following her.

"Well you better him before it's too late," she said looking through the clothes. I really want to tell him but I don't want to hurt him in anyway.

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