Chapter 6 - Flirt Gone Wrong

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As I enter the bar I notice some guy, he looks familiar to me, and his "wingman" flirting with Evelyn, so instead of going in her direction, I start my possibly long night by sitting next to the barman, ask a Cola with ice and a bit of vodca.


I tried to think of where I knew the faces of the guys flirting with Evelyn. Maybe the alcohol helped me to remember, because as I took the first sip of my drink, I remembered who the guy, flirting with Evelyn was..It was Damien's best friend, Jeremy. He was, a really generous and a really nice guy.Have I said he was very good looking too?Brown hair, dark brown eyes, tall. He's one of my friends too.Evelyn and Jeremy seem pretty envolved, I don't know why. By his side was a friend of Damien's too, one of the biggest dickheads I've ever known.His name? Brian Harrison . He was tall and fit, dark brown hair,bright green eyes. Apart his personality and his ego, he was gorgeous. What a shame he was so stupid and arrogant.

 About 10 minutes passed till the guys went to carry on the party to the dance floor. Evelyn came to me and she was thrilled.

-Hey Jade, I have the biggest news!

-Tell me! - Seeing her so happy made me a bit more happy,so the same thing did the alcohol..

-Well, you know I fancy Jeremy for a long time, right? So I found out that he fancies me too.

- May I  ask you where did you find out such a precious information, Evelyn?

-He told me himself. He started to say that he fancies me for a long time and he asked me out on a date.

-Tell me you've said yes please!

-Yes, I said eyes. On the date he took me to the montains, near the waterfall, we had a picnic. And later when we were playing and joking in the water, there was one of those moments, where it looks like the time stands still... and he kissed me.

-Oh my God! He's a really nice guy, if I were you I'd keep him. I am happy for you.

I shouldn't have drink so much liquor as she talked.You see, when a person hasn't food in their sistem, they tend to get more easily drunk. I might be  a bit drunk by now.

- Let's go to my house.- She says.

I agree silently, nodding my head. As we left the bar and walked further and further away from it, I noticed a guy following us for some time.We started walking faster and he started walking faster too. I tripped,but I got up on my feet before he could catch us, with Evelyn's help.We started running and it was a bad idea because he catched me, and when Evelyn tried to hit the guy she notice it was Brian.

-What the hell, are you doing Brian?!

-Brian?! - I said in shock.

He didn't say anything, and took advantage of that moment of Evelyn's hesitation and trew me to the side just to knock out my friend. Then he turned back to meagain.

-Please, you don't want to do this.. - I tried to look a bit more cofident and change his mind about hurting me,but all it came out was a terrified trembling voice.

As I closed my eyes,to not think of the situation I was in, I swear I saw a shadow move behind Brian and thought how I needed help right now.

***What do you think? Sorry it hasn't been happening really interesting stuff.***

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