Chapter 46 - Six Degrees of Separation (Parts V, VI)

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We arrived at the club half an hour later.

The club was filled of hot lads. "I do not remember being here." An energetic voice inside my mind said, grinning at the sight of cute boys.

Can't lie. My insides were all crazy, but the kind of crazy when you see a cute or hot boy/girl.

They sat down a bit far from the dance floor,but I didn't really care.

A waiter came to us and asked what we wanted to drink.

He was so fit! Curly dark brown hair, green eyes and had an amazing jawline. I glanced at his tag name and it was written in black capital letters "HARRY". While he was writting down our orders he glanced at me a few times

When he turned around to go get our drinks, I disguisedly checked out his bottom. What an amazing bottom.


" You should totally hit that"  The little voice stated once again with a more interested tone than before.

I watched him as he served other guests before us.

The girls hitting on him by winking at him or pulling their tops a little lower so their cleavages were more exposed to him and to everyone who happened to walked by. Some of them had a boyfriend but they did it anyway.

Little too despicable for my liking, although I understood why they were doing it.

Something was wrong about him. He didn't notice or seemed to care about their slutty acts. If I was a lad, I would  probably notice it. Guys notice this things, guys like this things. They're guys, but I don't know nothing about them. Or what they like.

Maybe he's gay. I thought.

" Or he has a girlfriend, Jade. " The voice stated sarcastically as if my own mind were rolling the eyes at itself.

 Right. Or that.

He went to the bar and brought our drinks. While he was at our table I catched himglancing a few times at me, maybe it was just my imagination, then he entered the bar and disappeared for a few minutes.

 Later on, I got bored because the Raphael and the other's were talking about trivial shit and I glanced at the bar again and saw Harry out of his work clothes. Harry was wearing a white shirt, black skinny jeans and grey converse sneackers, he also had a round blue little necklace.

Harry went outside the bar but didn't leave because I could see him sitting on the porch outside.

- I'll be right back. - I said to them, but they just kept talking like I wasn't there.

" Wow. Thanks for the attention."

I went outside the bar and sat next to him as he smoked a cigarette.

-Hey. - I cheekly said - I'm Jade.

- Hello there. I'm Harry. - He politely replied and looked at me with a grin playing on his lips -  How are you?

Quite a charmer I see.

" With cute dimples." My mind added.

- I'm good what about you?

- I'm okay. - he said still looking at me.

 We talked for a while about nothing and everything at the same time.

- So, what's wrong with you? - I finally asked after a while.

- What do you mean by what's wrong with me? - he asked looking utterly confused, but his smile refused to disappear.

- Do you have a girlfriend? - I tried to ask without sounding like I wanted him.


- So.. are you gay? - I asked making some kind of confused face - Not that I have a problem with that. - I quickly added.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds, chuckling and trying his best not to laugh.

- You aren't gay either. - I stated, chuckling too, embarassed of myself for asking that.

- No. Why would you think that? - he asked me with a smile that made his dimples show up.

- I'm so sorry. I thought you might be because you saw those girls hitting on you and not even a smile you flashed.

- Don't be. - He started giving me a reassuring gaze and smile. - I guess I'm just not attracted to that type of girls. They are a little too slutty for me. Wanna go and dance inside?It getting kinda cold out here. - he proposed, standing reaching his hand to me.

- So that's how you get the girls.. - I laughed as I took his hand and was leaded inside to the dancefloor.


Dianna and Raphael went dancing to the dance floor , Damien was in the bar talking to some girl and I, well I became the taxi driver for these drunk people.

My eyes caught Jade dancing and laughing with a guy.

Isn't that the bartender? I thought to myself. It's the bartender.

She seemed so happy and entertained with him. His hand were on her waist and they were starting to make me a little "nervous".

I'm not used to see other guys, except her friends and mine, like that with her. 

" You're jealous. " My mind stated chuckling as if it was funny. It's not fucking funny.

"It's funny because you are the one who said to her to let you go and you were the one who said to her you're were letting her go. Now, that she is finally trying to do that, you realize you fucked up and made a huge mistake."  A small rational part of my brain stated. "That could have been you right there. With her. But no. You wanted to "let her go" whatever that means."

My mind was right. I was the one who wanted to let her go. I fucked up a little.

It was really pissing me off the way they danced. At least I dance better than him. I convinced myself.

"Sure. What ever keeps you warm when you're laid in bed at night".

Looked around for a girl and went to the dancefloor. The whole time I was dancing with the girl, but I was glancing at Jade.

A slow song came on so everyone was hugged dancing to the slow. He was so close to her and I was getting so "nervous" I squeezed my pairs waist.

Jade looked at where we were all sitting and didn't saw anyone. She scanned the room and when her eyes met mine they became darker, she stopped smilling and looked at the ground.


Hey there! How are you?What are you thoughts about this chapter?

As you may or may not realized, this last couple chapters were a little based in the song "Six Degrees of Separation" by The Script. It's such a great song.

I apologize for any grammar issue. Make sure you read The Triple Hybrid.

The story is ending so if you have and suggestion, this is the time. ( Good news, another one is coming. It's a partnership and the story is going to be about supernatural beings, such as vampires and ghosts, will probably have members from TVD and 1D). #nohateplease

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Love you <3

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