Chapter 32 - Mistakes

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- I don't trust her. If it happened something to Jade. Claire was behind it. - He replied to my question.

Suddenly we got a phone call. The number was blocked, but I decided to answer it anyway.

- Nick. How have you been?

- Who's talking? - I asked confused.

-Don't you remember me? You shot my wife and left her to die in a burning house.Such a shame. Oh! I have your girlfriend  - the guy asked me.

Oh. Shit.

-You bastard! Let her go! She's is go nothing to do with this! - I screamed, getting worried about Jade. It wasn't her fault.

 - See... that is where you are wrong. You took someone I loved from me, now it is my turn. - he said and ended the call.


- So... What happened?? Who was talking behind the phone?? - Diana asked half-screaming.

-This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all - I said as I walked around in circles, until someone stopped me.


 "Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Check if you still have the hooks in your hair."  A little voice in my head spoke quietly but  really fast.

I brought my chained hands to my hair and fumbled my dirty blonde hair.

I found a lonely hook, but it was more than enough. I took it off my hair and looked at it briefly before trying to let myself free of those chains. It was golden, it was golden like my hair, camouflaging itself perfectly with my hair.

As I tried to unlock the chains in my hands, I heard the door opening again and quietly concealed que tiny object in my pants. Only at that moment I've realised I wasn't dressed with hostipal clothes anymore.

The man entered once again the room and trew me a tray with food.

- Please take me out of here. - I pleaded to the man at the door.

-No, you have to wait for your boyfriend to do the math and come here to rescue you. - he told me and then left the room with an evil laugh.

I looked at the dead body lying on the ground. Her head was over a huge pool of blood, it was making me sick.

"Keep the eye on the prize. Only the prize." The little voice in my head spoke again, this time louder.

I took the hook from my pants and started what I was previously doing, again.


 Damien put himself in front me and grabbed my arm. 

- What happened? - He asked quietly.

- This is my fault. Two years ago I had a mission assigned to me. It was to kill one of the most dangerous persons on the United Kingdom. Things got complicated because I didn't got the information she was married. When I shot her in the house, I didn't notice that a small fire had started to burn. I left her lying there, dying in the house. When I was at some distance from the house, I noticed the fire burning in one window and then the house came crashing down and I saw a shadow of a man, her husband. I didn't know he 'd seen me. - I explained quietly. - Now he has Jade.

- You were only trying to do your job. It's not your fault. - Raphael told me and Dianna agreed with him silently.

-We will get her back. - Damien said, flatly, looking at the floor.

-There is no we. I will get her back. I made the mess, I'll fix it alone. 

- Don't you see that's exactly what he wants you to do? Going alone is pratically a suicide mission. - Dianna spoke up after a few minutes soundless.

- I don't care! - I yelled -  I know want he wants and where he lives. I am going to make this right, she will come back safe.

" Yeah, don't forget alive"  A little voice in my head said chuckling. What a twisted humor. This is not funny..

- I promise I will figure a safe plan out. - I told them, trying to unconcern them.

- We believe you, go home. Damien you're coming with me to the bar to drink. - Dianna spoke unworrying me.

- I want to attend such a precious party too. - Raphael said frowning to convince Dianna.

-You can come too. - Dianna said after a moment in silence.

As I walked to my car, I heard Raphael chuckling because of what Dianna had just said.

That boy is so naughty. I chuckle at the though.

" You need to think in the plan right now. Not in some comment". My mind spoke coldly.


The hook didn't work. I was unable to unlock the chains. Damn it.

I'm fucking freezing in here, I'm in pain and to top that I have a bloody dead body lying just a few inches away from me.

"Check if she has some key or something that will help us unlock the chains."  The little voice in my head spoke again. 

I slowly approached the bloody body. I was on my knees gaining courage to touch it. I finally gained some courage and started to check her pockets. Nothing. Suddendly her arm fell into the floor making me jump.

Dead people don't like this. I thought to myself.

I put my hand in the floor to think in another thing  that could help me. I brushed the hand in my face to move away the hair in front of my face and felt a liquid in my face.

I looked at the ground where my hand was previously on and saw that I was in a puddle of blood and my hands were all covered in blood.

All I wanted to do in that moment was scream and run and never be seen again. I ran as quickly to the furthest corner I could possibly reach in the room, chained.

Get away. Get away. Get away. Get the bloody hell away. I thought and crowled up in a ball and started rocking my body back and forth, never stopping the movement.

Oh stop! Stop! Stop! I silently screamed to myself. I need to stop thinking, to stop my brain go into overdrive and I certaintly need to stop talking to myself. I am making myself go crazy. I thought.


 Hello! I'm sorry for not posting sooner but I had some difficulties writing this chapter. I apologize for any grammar issue. If you have any questions for me, you can do it. I will gladly answer your question.

If you could take the time to read the story ,from my friend, The Triple Hybrid, I appreciate it.

Thank you any vote, comment, follow or question.

See you! <3

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