Chapter 33 - Protection

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Dead people don't like this. I thought to myself.

I put my hand in the floor to think in another thing that could help me. I brushed the hand in my face to move away the hair in front of my face and felt a liquid in my face.

I looked at the ground where my hand was previously on and saw that I was in a puddle of blood and my hands were all covered in blood.

All I wanted to do in that moment was scream and run and never be seen again. I ran as quickly to the furthest corner I could possibly reach in the room, chained.

Get away. Get away. Get away. Get the bloody hell away. I thought and crowled up in a ball and started rocking my body back and forth, never stopping the movement.

Oh stop! Stop! Stop! I silently screamed to myself. I need to stop thinking, to stop my brain go into overdrive and I certaintly need to stop talking to myself. I am making myself go crazy. I thought.


I eventually fell asleep. I didn't sleep much, I was always waking up and falling asleep. I finally fell asleep for some time.

He started moving slowly towards me and I backed away slowly untill I hitted a damn tree. I though this tree wasn't here.

He placed his hands on the tree so I couldn't get out.  He came closer and closer untill the space between us was barely real and then did an unexpected thing. I really thought about several different sceneries this could went down, but I didn't think of this. "How didn't we thought of this?" 

"He's unpredictable. Nice move"

He slowly grabbed my waist and pulled me even more towards him and painfully slow, he kissed me.


First of all,  why did he kiss me? Second of all, why did I enjoy it? Wasn't I Nick's girlfriend? I don't understand.


Me and Raphael went to the car and so did Damien.

Raphael started the car, but didn't move the car. I gave him a questioning look. His hazel eyes shined when he looked at my gaze, making me get lost in his eyes for a second. I hate the feeling he gives me.

-Don't look at me like that. - he stated chuckling in his seat - Have put your seat belt on? - he asked me with a serious face.

Was he seriously making that question? Am I a five year old? I was trying my hardest trying not to laugh at him.

- Are you serious? - the words escaped from my lips. I almost chuckled but I saw his face remaining straight - Yes, but you don't need to ask me that, I'm not a baby. I don't need protection.

-Good. I'm glad you are not a baby because then I don't need to cover your sorry ass from nobody. - he said looking straight at the road.

"Why is he talking like that? He looks like you when you are on your period..with a certain lack of patience" A little voice in my head spat at him, as he if could listen to it.

- Hey, you don't  talk to me like that! Respect the princess please! - I said trying to get to him.

He rolled his eyes and kept them on the road. He moved his hands to the radio and his fingers pressioned a button and music started playing.

I just stared at the passing images in the car window. I could see him glancing at me from time to time, but I just ignored him.

We all finally got to the bar, sat down in a table and we have asked already for the drinks.

- So, what did you wanted to tell us? - Damien asked with a kid like face.

- We have to make a plan. Nick can not possibly get out of there alive if he goes alone, you know that. - I spoke calmly.

- What do you have in mind? - Raphael asked.

- I say we try to know when Nick will go to the house, but first we have to find out where the guy lives... - I started to say excitedly but my entusiasm went away really fast, not knowing from where I would get the information.

-I can help you with that part. I'm a informatic detective. I'm a genius. - Raphael said with a cocky smile.

- Oh thank you. Don't flatter yourself that much. - I said looking at him in the eyes.

I saw Jason coming with our drinks.

"Oh no.Does he really have be the one to serve us drinks?" I thought to myself and rolled my eyes. Damien looked at the same direction at me and shot him a silent glare. Raphael just seemed lost.

Jason was a asshole with whom I dated. Things did not end well between us.

He reached us and served the drinks.

- Hey darling. - he said smirking at me. If this had happened a year ago I would probably think his smirking was the most beautiful thing in the world. Right now it just made me sick.

- Don't you dare to call me darling. Don't you have more clients to serve?

- Why are you being a bitch, darling? - he said with his eyes getting darker.

- You heard the girl. - Raphael said glaring at him - Now, leave before I melt your face away.

- Are you threatening me? Do you think I'm afraid of you? - he said getting closer to Raphael.

I stood up in front of Jason, between him and Raphael.

- Calm down. - I said.

Jason pushed me away and then Damien grabbed him to calm him down.

- Is everything okay over there? - the manager questioned from distance.

- Yes. - Jason said giving one last glare at Raphael and going away.

- Are you okay? - Damien came up to me and asked.

-Yes, don't worry.

I glanced at Raphael to see him sipping his drink looking flatly at the table. He was acting like he was trying to control himself from punching Jason.

- Thank you. - I quietly said to Raphael.

He looked at me and his facial expression softened. He gave me a weak smile and nodded.


Hello guys! This chapter isn't really that great, but I needed to make a plan to save Jade. Do you really think he is going out there alone?

I apologize for any grammar issue and it will be a pleasure to answer any questions you may have.

Check out The Triple Hybrid. She won't be able to post more for some time because she's on vacations.

Don't forget to comment, follow, vote or ask!

Goodbye <3

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