Chapter 9 - I Got You

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- You said that two months ago.  Maybe you just have to accept that maybe, you can't finish this mission. You're dealing with bad people. Look, what did the agency do keep her safe?

- I have an idea. You have to seduce her and try to make her falling in love with you. - he could feel phisically his own heart breaking and getting out of breath - .

- Nick, stop! Listen to yourself! - against all his instincts he spoke.

-It's for her sake.. please do this for me.

-Nick, this the last chance I give you! One shot. No more after this one.


With all my strenght left in my muscles I went back to the bed, trying to sleep, for today's funeral.


-Jade! My friend! How did you sleep last night? - Damien asked with a amusement face.

-I've got dark circles under my eyes. How do you think I slept? - I was certaintly not in good mood. Who would be if you saw your dead boyfriend almost everywhere, had go to a funeral and not having sleep time for a week?-

-Not in a good mood I see.

- How can you possibly be in a good mood?! You are going to the funeral of a friend and pretend you don't know what really happened to him, for fuck's sake!

- Hey, hey calm down. We don't have time for this discussion right now. We can talk about it later, I promise gorgeous.Now let's go.

I was about to open my mouth to protest, but I decided not to. I didn't want to go mad to Brian's funeral. I was more than pissed off, I was ready to kill someone. Later he would listen.. just wait. He isn't expecting what is coming to him.


- My condolences Mr. and Mss. Harrison. He was a really good boy. - I said with guilt in my voice.

- Thank you, my dear Jade. - Brian's mom spoke, cleaning the tears with a tissue.

- Damien, can we go home? - I said not feeling good and with dizziness.

-Sure. You look a bit pale dear, are you feeling okay? - as he spoke I saw genuine concern and a strange glow in his eyes.

As if he predicted, I almost lost my balance and with a swift but gracious he held me and took me to the car.

- You're safe, I got you, let's go to the car. C'mon, you can do it love.

When I felt the leather seat on my body, I instantly let myself faint. I woke up with a few tiny droplets of water being splashed in my face.

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