Chapter 18 - You Found Me

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I stopped to look around and regain my breath, I feel like I ran the fucking marathon. Lost. Completely lost. I don't even recognized the place of the florest I was at. 

For a few instants, I looked up to admire the beauty of the moonlight shining through the dark and tall trees. Then my gaze turned to a moving shadow. " And thinking this night couldn't get any weirder". This shadow scared the crap out of me. It was nightime, middle of God knows where, I was alone and currently seeing human shadows.

The scene looks like something out of a bad horror movie. 

I started running again. Full speed. I jumped trough branches and dead leaves that were fallen peacefully on the floor.I looked back to see the shadow.The shadow wasn't following me anymore.

Then I fell,I pulled my hand to my face feeling blood coming out of my lip and head and shortly after passed out in the middle of the florest.

"Sweet Dreams"


I was passed, but not so much to not get what was going on around me. I could still hear branches breaking from someone, or something, trampling them. I really thought I was going to die. I couldn't move,or think, just listen quietly and sometimes could not even understand what was happening around me.

The sound of the footsteps suddendly disappeared. Maybe I had completely blacked out.

I don't know how long I had been passed out. 

I started to wake up with the morning sun passing throught the leaves of the trees and hitting on my face.

My muscles were hurting, I had blood in my lip and head. The once white shirt was now brown with a bit of blood.

My head was hurting like hell. It started hurting even more when I thought about last night's events.

" Maybe we were hearing and seing things" Again the rational part of my brain spoke up. This time I wasn't seing things. "Okay, then. How do you explain Damien's presence along side with Nick?" He must have known Nick was alive all along. How could he kept the information to himself? "He's a spy, how do you think he became one of the best?" My mind rhetorically asked me. But why would Nick fake his own death? "It's not to hard to figure it out Jade".

He's a spy too. "No shit, Sherlock."

How could I have been so naive? Of course. The misterious disappearances, the poor excuses, Damien always coming to my rescue. How could I not even think about it?

"You were too busy falling for Damien." I was speachless. The little voice was right. If I wasn't too busy flirting and obsessed with him, this wouldn't have happened.

All of the sudden I heard footsteps and hid as quickly as possible behing a tree.

- Jade! Jade! Are you here?- I heard a familiar voice calling out for me.

I left my hiding place and I must have been stuck in any branch, because of the sharp pain running through my left side of my stomach,  and looked down at my hands red from the blood coming out of the scratch.

-Da-Damien?! - I called out for him. I could sense him walking towards me.

He seemed shocked when he saw my hands bloody, scratches on my face and my lip cut. He ran towards me, hugged me and for a few seconds I didn't react. The truth is, I felt safe and confortable next to Damien.

Then my brain started working again. I pushed him. He looked struck by surprise. We were face to face. I raised my hand backwards and slapped him with the strength that I had, wich was surprinsingly still some .

His eyes went darker and darker, He closed his fist trying to control himself.

"He deserved it. Oh no. Wait. Wrong move" It was visible that my rational part of my brain had two very diferent oppinions.

His lips were in a hard line. He didn't say anything, frighting me a bit.

He started moving slowly towards me and I backed away slowly untill I hitted a damn tree. I though this tree wasn't here.

He placed his hands on the tree so I couldn't get out.  He came closer and closer untill the space between us was barely real and then did an unexpected thing. I really thought about several different sceneries this could went down, but I didn't think of this. "How didn't we thought of this?" 

"He's unpredictable. Nice move"

He slowly grabbed my waist and pulled me even more towards him and painfully slow, he kissed me.


 Hey guys! How are you doing? I wanted to thank you for the views. Yes I noticed. ;)

Check out The Triple Hybrid from my friend.

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Stay safe <3

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