Chapter 31 - Demons

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 She slapped me once and put me in the ground and started kicking me. I started to cough up blood. The man also entered the room.

 He ran towards her making her stop. He held her by her neck and pushed her against the wall. I could see she was struggling to breathe.

While he was distracted I looked quietly for something that could release me. Nothing. I dropped my eyes to the floor. I remembered that I had hooks in my hair. I had robbed once Nick's house, strange as it may seem. I always were a bit rebel. It's something that I'm not very proud of but sometimes it was useful.

- We need her alive! She the only opportunity to hurt Nick. - he spoke dangerously slow and low - If you touch her one more time I will fucking kill you. - he growled at her.

-But... - she tried to speak, but was cutted off by the man.

-Go! Now!


She walked really fast towards the door.

- more thing... -she turned back to face him and he pulled out a silver gun and shot her, killing her.

My hand flew to my mouth, which was wide open and my body shivered when he shot her.My head commenced hurting.

He hit her in the head. One shot and she was dead. The sound of the gun shooting seemed familiar to me I didn't know why neither do I wanted to know.

- Don't kill me... - I whimpered.

- I'm still thinking about it. Maybe I will not kill you darling. - he said putting his gun away and lowering himself at my level - If he gives me want I want.

-He? - I asked utterly confused and still in shock from the horrific scene I had just seen.

- Yes, he. Nick.

- What did he do?

-Curious aren't we? - he mocked - Well, he shot my wife and then left her to die in a fire, I tried to save her but by the time we got out, our old house crashed and she was dead in my arms. - he said with his eyes full of rage and a sparkle of sadness.

I was speechless. Why did he do that? He isn't such an horrible person to me. He's kind, funny and patient.

-You are the way to hurt him. His little girl. His girlfriend. I know he would everything, and I mean everything to save you. - he spoke, almost with a devil smirk on his face and left the room.

I started crying quietly looking at the body lying on the floor a few inches from me, I tried to control my breathing but with the pain from my ribs didn't let me.

His girlfriend.

""What's up with you and that girl Kira, Nick?" I asked him, but not really wanting to know the answer to the question. "Nothing, why?Are you jealous?" He said testing my reaction. " I'm not jealous, I'm just looking out for you, friends do that. I don't trust her."  I tried to shake it out. Not give in. His facial expression changed, his eyes were a bit darker and he took a deep breath. "Yes. friends do that" He said looking a bit disappointed by my response. " We are just friends, Jade. Don't worry" "Do you have feelings for her?" I sounded more eager than I wanted to sound. "No." He responded calmly. " Good because I have to tell you something. I have feelings for you. Since the first time I met you. I know it's foolish and childish but... "  I had started ramble from the nerves. He takes a step forward and kisses me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked like a child asking for permission to his mom to go to the candy store. "Yes.Yes.Yes. A thousand times yes! ""

I don't like these flashbacks. He's not a bad person. He had to have a reason to do that.

"Like what? What's the possible reason to leave someone to die?" My mind questioned me harshfully.


 We arrived to the hospital. It was busy as always. Why can't people just be careful? I know that sometimes it's not their fault, but still.

 Dianna, Raphael and Damien walked in it first. When we got to her room, it was empty. The guards weren't there. She wasn't there. A hospital nurse was tidying the room.

-Excuse me, miss - Dianna said - Where is the girl who was here this morning?

- I'm sorry, she was going to do some exams but never came back. - The nurse spoke gently.

"Something is very wrong here." I thought. She had to be back by now.

- Did you see the doctor with whom she left? - Raphael asked truly concerned.

- Actually.. yes. I think it is a new doctor. Claire something..never seen her around here so she must be new.

- That bitch. - Raphael muttered almost inaudible. I had heard him. - Thank you, miss.

We all got out of the room and sat down on the chairs.

- This doesn't feel right. - Damien quietly spoke.

-No shit, Sherlock. - I sarcastically said to him. - Do you know her doctor Raphael?

-Uh, sort of. We,uh, went to bed. - He tried to say without stammer a lot.

I looked to Dianna and she was looking at the ground. By her body behavior I could tell she became rigid when Raphael said he had banged the "doctor".

-Anything else?

- I don't trust her. If it happened something to Jade. Claire was behind it. - He replied to my question.

Suddenly we got a phone call. The number was blocked, but I decided to answer it anyway.

- Nick. How have you been?

- Who's talking? - I asked confused.

-Don't you remember me? You shot my wife and left her to die in a burning house.Such a shame. Oh! I have your girlfriend  - the guy asked me.

Oh. Shit.

-You bastard! Let her go! She's is go nothing to do with this! - I screamed, getting worried about Jade. It wasn't her fault.

 - See... that is where you are wrong. You took someone I loved from me, now it is my turn. - he said and ended the call.


Hello there! I apologize for any grammar issue. Don't forget to vote, follow or comment if you liked this chapter. Also check The Triple Hybrid from my friend.

Feel free to ask me anything you want to. it's my pleasure to answer you guys.

See you next time,

                                     CatarinaRibeirinho <3

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