Chapter 21 - The Truth

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-Yes, I told him to get close to you. To protect you. - He said calmly.

-So you are telling me he was my friend from pure convinience? - I spatted at him, lifting myself up and starting to get dressed again.

-I thought you knew. Where are you going?- He said utterly confused.

- Going home. How could you? I gained feelings for him. Didn't you thought about that consequence?


-No.- he shouted angrily.

-I don't want to see you anymore. Never. - With that I left and slammed the door shut.


I, actually, didn't know how to feel. I was a mix and range of emotions. Two things for sure, I was bloody angry and I did not wished to see Nick again.

Who does that? Fakes his own death in front of his girlfriend, tell his bestfriend to get close to you and then comes back like it was nothing.

I entered the car, Damien could tell something was wrong.

-I'm sorry. - Damien told me with an expression of guilt on his pretty face.

- Yeah, I have been hearing that a lot, lately. - I whispered, trying to contain my tears. - Drive.

He started the car and we left Nick's driveway rapidly. 

-Why didn't you tell me he was alive?- I quietly asked.

-They had to think he was dead. We had to protect you. - He said calmly, watching me for a brief moment and then turning his gaze way to the road.

-Who is "they"?

- It's a group of dangerous murderers, the thing that makes them really dangerous is them being psychopaths. I... We couldn't risk lose you. You're innocent. You don't deserve any of this. - He confessed to me. 

He was actually numbing the pain for a little while. But suddenly I remembered Nick's words "I told him to get close to you". They hurted like needles in my heart.

- Why are you my friend?

He stared at me a little confuse, and pulled to my house.

-Because I like you, I like your personality, The way you chew when you're hungry, plus you're funny and smart.

He made me remember an old conversation between me and a friend of mine.

"...and ultimately, he is going to find out. how you chew, how you sip, how you dance, how you smell  at every point in the day. The fact that most of your friends are shallow. That you hate sitting in the math class, front seat. How you love chocolate, how you can be hyper at times, how certain games and shows make you really happy. How cranky you get when you don't sleep well or when you're tired. He's going to know everything about you. And you know what? He's still going to love you".

-Liar. You got close to me to please Nick. He, somehow, thought it was right to "loan" me to his best friend and, when he came back, he could have me again. Just like nothing happened. I gave you a chance to explain youself and you just trew it away. You decided it was best lying to me, than tell the me the bloody truth! - I said, getting up to leave the car, but being stopped by his strong arm.

-It is nothing like that.

-He has something on you doesn't he? Oh God .. How could I have been so stupid? He has.To you  act like his little puppy,it's because he has.

- You are understanding it all wrong. - Damien squeezed my arm a bit.

-Let me go. - I raised my voice, making him let go of my arm. I finally left the car, but when I looked back at him and I saw him frustated. hands on his head and his head on the steering wheel. I looked away feeling my eyes beginning to sting because of the threatening tears.

I utterly hated to see him like that, but I was mad at him. I didn't even knew if the Damien I met was the real Damien.

 I entered my house and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the hot water and started to undress myself.

I carefully entered the shower and leaned back against the wall, letting the hot water fall down on my skin, washing away the dry blood. The only sound was the pouring water, everything else was quiet. I started crying, I wasn't capable of holding back more tears. I've had enough. 

"He was just trying to protect you" My mind tried to rationalize and calm me down.

My best friend only became friends with me just because someone told him to. Not because of my personality, the way I eat or because of some silly little nervous tic.

Did he even liked me at least, or was he just playing a role?

I snapped out of my thoughts and began to properly wash myself.

I got out, dressed a green hoodie, some black leggings, a pair of sneakers and put earphones. I selected a music and got out.


 Hey guys! How are you doing?

Hope you liked this chapter. Check out The Triple Hybrid from a friend of mine.It's worth your time.

Stay safe <3

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