Chapter 44 - Six Degrees of Separation (Parts I, II , III)

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- Oh, I'm real, I am fucking real! - He shouted at me.

- You are not fucking real! - I opened my eyes and yelled in his face.

In the corner of my eyes I saw Dianna, Raphael and Nick looking at me like I was some sort of schizophrenic. 

I looked back to the man only to see Damien grasping my arms.

-Please... - I whimpered.

- You can go to your rooms, she just had a nightmare. - Damien blurted out and unexpectedly they left without an argument. Probably they were too tired to start a fight.

Quickly, I glanced to Nick before he left the room. He shook his head.

Maybe he shaked his head because he knew that it hadn't been a nightmare, but refused to argue because he " was letting me go " . 

- Hey, - he muttered - what happened? 

- I'm going crazy. - I cried. - Please, I don't want to go crazy.

-Baby, you're not going crazy. You just are going through some shit right now. - he said as he caressed my hair.



I woke up again, but this time the sun had already rose long time ago. My heart and mind felt empty, well, I didn't make up exactly with Nick, but he was letting me go and it hurted, it hurted because I hadn't let go of him just yet. I think that the worst pain was of a broken heart. 

Feels like someone murdered you when someone says to you that they are letting you go.

I didn't wake up because of the sunlight shining through my bedroom. I woke up because I heard Dianna and the rest of the group talking  outside.


- ... Damien you have to understand - Dianna continued to say - she needs to get some help, she's going crazy.

- No, we aren't going to put her there! She isn't going crazy, she is just having a hard time. If you put her there, she will go crazy! Do you want her heavily medicated and numb acting like a zombie? - I said trying to convince Dianna to don't put Jade in a mental hospital.

- Damien! What do you classify as "going crazy" ? Tell me! Does she need to kill someone accidentally in one of her episodes? - she stated, venom dripping in her voice.

- You guys aren't even going to help me? - I questioned, looking at Raphael and Nick.

- I don't like it either, but you saw her a few hours ago, she thought she was seeing the guy! She was in panic.  - Nick stopped talking for awhile - You don't know but, she went out last night and I followed her. Jade was talking to Sophia as if she was standing there. There wasn't anyone on the street.

-See.. she is going crazy. One more reason to hospitalize in a psychiatric hospital! - Dianna told me, being a little too loud.

- She isn't crazy! - I told her.

- Guys. - Raphael tried to say something but we ignored him - Guys, stop it! - he eventually said pointing to the balcony.


Jade was standing there looking at us, crying.

- So you are deciding to hospitalize me and don't even invite the guest of honor?! - she sobbed, - You are fucking unbelievable! Tell me Di, do you honestly think I am going crazy?! - continuing to say with desperation, disappointment and fear in her voice.

-Love, is not like that.. - Dianna tried to explain, but Jade broke her off.

- It's never like that, isn't it? - Jade yelled, then going to her room and close the window and the blind behind her.

- Fuck! Are you happy now?! - my tone of voice going a little louder than usual.

- Where are you going? - Nick asked me when he saw me leaving the group.

- I'm gonna go to try and talk to her, where do you think I'm going?!


I closed the window pane with full force, and threw myself into one of the dark corners in the room.

" What?! How could they do this to me?! I am not crazy!" I thought and repeated it mentally over and over again.

A noise of someone knocking on the door pulled me off my thoughts, I stayed silent.

-Jade, it's me, Damien. Please, can I enter? - he said rotating the door knob.

"Why didn't I lock it? Damn it!"

 I stayed quiet as he entered the room.

-I didn't say you could.

He quickly found me, I'm not sure how but it didn't really matter. He crouched down to my level, put his hand on my knee and started to talk, but I promptly shook it off me, he didn't even had began to talk but fell silent.

Realizing that approach was going nowhere he sighed and sat beside me and everything went completly silent between us for a few minutes that seemed to last for a lifetime.

- So, the plan is to take me from here and put me in a lunatics place?! - I mumbled - When were you planning on telling me? Or you were thinking it like it was some kind of twisted surprise party?

He took a long deep breath and stayed silent for a few moments.

- It's not like that Jade. She just wants you to get better, they just want you to get better. - he confessed with his voice full of disappointment.

- They.

- Excuse me, I didn't hear you.

- You said they. So you don't agree with them. - I asked/stated with a little hope shining unintentionally throught my voice.

-No, I don't agree with them. I don't think your place is there, I think your place is here with us. - he muttered.

 I believed in him. What was the point of him lying to me?

"Catching you by surprise." My mind remarked, but I ignored it.

- Please tell me I'm not going crazy.. - I whimpered - Don't let them take me from here.

- You are not going crazy and I wont let them take you away from here. Never.- he said moving and placing me in his lap.


Hey there! How are you?

I apologize for any grammar issue. Make sure you read The Triple Hybrid.

The story is ending so if you have and suggestion, this is the time. ( Good news, another one is coming. It's a partnership and the story is going to be about supernatural beings, such as vampires and ghosts, ect...)

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Love you <3

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