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It is about past 5 in the morning when Yoongi finished up with his work at Jungkook's place and he was exhausted. He couldn't wait to sleep in his bed, wrapped up like a cocoon and sleep till the day is over and hug his favorite pillow as he sleeps. His favorite pastime.

He passed through the doors of the complex as he tried his best to see straight. The mint haired boy fumbled with the keys to his mail box as he finally succeeded and took out his letters. He leaned against the other mailboxes as he looked through his letter, just bills and more bills till he found a letter that was addressed to him containing his paycheck. He waits every week for that letter.

He stared at the check as a smile appeared on his face but it suddenly disappeared when he had a realization that almost all the money will go to bills.

"Excuse me, but can he please move over an inch, I can't get to my mail box." Yoongi looked up from his mail and saw a boy with bright orange hair, a loose white shirt and tight black jeans. The question made the mint haired boy blush and moved to the side, "sorry."

The smell of alcohol was strong from the young boy, he tried his best to open the mail box but it seemed to be very difficult for him. "Do you need help?" The older questioned as he watched the younger struggle. The orange hair boy nodded with a smile on his face and a scent of alcohol coming from his breath but he didn't seem drunk. "Yes please," the oranges haired boy smiled, full of charm and he handed his keys to the other.

On the first go Yoongi successfully got the key in the key hole and got his mail out. "Thank you," The younger thanked, taking the mail from Yoongi hands. The boy soon left with the letter and stumbled up the stairs.


When Yoongi made his way back to his apartment he thought about the boy he just met. The way his oranges hair shined brightly in the light, his dark brown eyes, his pink plump lips, him.

Yoongi was never the type that was really into dating or crushing on someone but he kinda had a thing for the boy he just met. He never met him before until just now but he feels something special towards him. He shrugged it off and head for his life long partner. His bed.


"I'm starving!" Yoongi moped. His plan for the day was to stay in bed all day but his rumbling stomach got the best of him. The mint haired boy dragged himself out of bed and changing into his comfortable clothing. A black and white leather bombers jacket, black and white, striped shirt and denim jeans. He grabbed his phone along with his wallet and left the apartment.

He waited at the elevator for the elevator doors to open. When they opened the mint haired boy walked in and press the first floor button, the doors were slowly closing. "Hold the door!" Yoongi jumped where he was standing and held the doors open to prevent it from closing.

"Thanks," the boy from last night ran in the elevator, he leaned on the mirror behind the two and pressed the first floor button again. The boy looked different than before, more tougher and cooler than his cute self yesterday.

The doors re-closed and started to move down to the first floor. The two stayed in silence and shared the occasional glances and the little smiles and smirks that the boy gave when he saw Yoongi looking at him and making him blush. The silence stopped when a loud ear-piercing noise came from the elevator and it suddenly stopped.

They both stud in fear, the room was full of silence only each other breathing could be heard. "Was that the elevator?" Yoongi broke the silence and started to panic mentally. Not because he was claustrophobic or anything but because he was starving.

"The elevator isn't moving and the buttons aren't working so I guess that means we're stuck in here." The orange haired boy answered Yoongi's question, looking around the entire elevator till he finally found what he was looking for. The emergency button. He smiled as he pressed on it lightly, waiting for someone to talk through the speaker built in the wall but no one answered. At first he thought he pressed it to lightly so the second time he went harder, then harder again, and again, and again till he ended up button mashing and still nothing happened. "This building is on its last leg."

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