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Jungkook was outside Taehyung's office, preparing himself to see him. The door was parted open and he didn't waist much time entering because he knew he could be seen from the other side of the door.

He entered the room and saw that Mr Kim was on a spinning office chair, not even facing the door.

"Mr Kim?" The younger walked in, asking nervously.

The dirty blonde heard his name being called and spun around to face the brunette. "Why hello Jungkookie, what happened to...?" The man gestured to the messy brown hair that Jungkook had and his scruffy attire.

Jungkook took a look at himself in Taehyung's mirror that was standing up beside the elders desk. And he was shocked about his appearance, he would never leave the house looking like this let alone arriving to work like this.

His eyes widened and he immediately went to fix himself.

"No don't!"

Jungkook stopped before he even managed to touch his hair. "You look hot like that." His deep husky voice matched with his dark stare and his complement made the raven haired brunette turned as red as a girl that has just been confessed to by the love of her life.

The elder place his tablet on the table facing upwards as he crossed his legs, putting them up on the table. "Why are you so far away?" The blonde pouted, motioning the other towards him,

"I won't bite. Unless you want me too?"

The younger's face was burning red as the elder chuckled softly at his reaction. When the brunette got closer to the man smiling a box smile he could see what the man was doing on his tablet. It seemed like he was reading a manhwa, quite an inappropriate one by the looks of it as well. The younger tried looking at it closer to see what it was about but before he could read what it was about the blonde switch it off. "I think your to innocent for this," he chuckled as he slipped the tablet into a drawer of his desk.

"Is there something I can help you with Sir?" Jungkook tried getting to the point because it seemed like he was getting nowhere with the conversation that the two were having. Even though he was terrified to know why he was called to the office.

"Well since you brought it up, I've noticed that a certain employ was late on his first day." A smirk that grew annoying to the younger appeared on his face. The elder slid his feet off the desk and intertwined his fingers together, trying to look serious but Jungkook couldn't take him seriously when he still had that smirk on his face.

"I am so very sorry Sir." Jungkook couldn't bring himself to look at his bosses face, probably angry face. But a matter of fact the dirty blonde was smiling. "I also told this certain employ to call me Taehyung several times." When he finished his statement was when his laughter started to be heard and Jungkook then grew the courage to face his boss.

"I am very sorry ... Taehyung, I swear it won't happen again." The brunette pleated.

"Your right it won't, but since it's your first day I will let it slide."

The younger sighed in relief and gave Taehyung a giant bow. Right before Jungkook was about leave Tae interrupted him. "But if you are late again I will have to punish you." The way he said it was so seductive, it made Jungkook froze. Even though Taehyung doesn't know Jungkook that well he was right, Jungkook was innocent. So he didn't understand that well what he meant but he knew that it wasn't good. So he nodded and went back to what he was doing.


"...Finished." Jungkook yawned putting the last document in it's correctly labeled folder. He has finished the paperwork that was left on his desk this morning and he cleaned up his office.

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