In Court

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Courtroom number___ 3...

The account of Lee-Taemin for the sexual harassment of Jeon-Jungkook.

Lee's Lawyer- Kim Nayun.

Jeon's Lawyer- Park Jimin.

Recess was now in session

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Jungkook took light sips from his bottle of water, he never imagined the courtroom would be this scary in real life. Taehyung stayed right by his side, giving him his love and emotional support to comfort his boyfriend as well as make him smile by cracking a joke which he always managed to do at the perfect moment.

"Come'on, baby" Taehyung whispered lowly, loud enough for only Jungkook to hear him. "How about when we get home, I'll make my special little bunny some dinner in celebration of your win today?" Taehyung hummed, pecking the younger on the cheek.

"Don't speak too early, you might jinx us!" Jungkook whined, earning another kiss from the blond. Jungkook frowned and looked down at his suit, straighten it up and making sure there were no creases present in his outfit.

"You're so cute~! For that, I'll let you pick what episode of Voltron we watch tonight." Taehyung insisted, getting a jab in the side from the brunet.

"What makes you think I want to watch that show?" The youngest frowned, being poked on both sides of his cheeks.

"Because I know you got a thing for Shiro. I mean I should feel offended because I'm your boyfriend but Keith is a little baby to me so we are even. Plus I love you too much to get mad over your crush on Space Daddy." The older went on and on, getting looks from people around us.

"Okay stop right there." Jungkook blushed as he heard his boyfriend continue on, stopping when he was told to, not ridding of the box-shaped grin pulling on his lips. "I'll watch Voltron but you will also be watching one of the nature documentaries with me."

"Do you seriously want me to die?!" Taehyung yelled, earning a playful slap on his shoulder.

"Recess is no over, the judge has made his decision." A woman walked out of the doors of the courtroom, speaking loudly for all to hear, leaving the door open for the rest of the crowd to enter.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook, planting multiple kisses on the younger's chubby cheeks. "Don't worry, Honey Bunny. Jimin is a qualified lawyer, sure this is his first case but he put all that he could into this for you and it won't go without you getting what you deserve."

It comforted Jungkook to hear that.


Taemin was put in jail for six years and now has a straining order on him for Jungkook's safety in the future. Also, his fling, the lawyer for some reason still thought he didn't deserve it after all he did, turns out this also wasn't his first time harassing a person. Although, hopefully, this will be his last.

Ms Nayun had tears in her eyes as she got out of her seat and hugged Taemin as the court officer cuffed him, the silver rings clicking once it was right around his wrist.

Jungkook hugged Jimin as tightly as he could, kissing his cheek as well which neither Taehyung or Yoongi was happy about, and what angered him more was when Jimin kissed him back with a happy grin plastered on his face.

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