You Again

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"TaeTae~! Come on, babe." Jungkook called for his boyfriend, continuously knocking on the door until his man answered.

"Aye, aye, aye, Kooks." Taehyung yawned opening the door, his suit on, messy but he was still wearing it. "Can't keep away from me?" He smirked at the younger.

Jungkook blushes, turning his head away from the blond with a huff, trying to deny the fact that he was missing his boyfriend a lot more than he was leading on. "Ha, you wish."

"Aw! You do! I can see it in your expression! Jungkook loves me!" He grinned, latching his arms around the younger like a clingy child or a koala.

"Well, of course, I love you, why else would I agree to be your boyfriend if I wasn't?" Jungkook pouted, making the older fall even more deeply in love with him.

"Aw, I love you too." Taehyung grinned, placing a quick peck on the younger's delicate lips. "Now let's get going, I know you hate being late for some odd reason."

"I wonder how you own your own company sometimes." The brunet sighed, the joyous couple began to walk to the older's car, hand in hand.

"Yeah... so do I."


Jungkook was doing his usual daily tasks at his work; filling out forms, basically doing half of Taehyung's work cause he is too lazy to do it himself, help Tae prepare for the daily business meetings, going with him to the meeting and taking down notes for Tae cause the blond certainly won't do it himself and some other chores.

The phone on Jungkook's desk started to ring, Jungkook answered the call as he continued with his work. "Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook speaking, how may I help you?" He swiftly answered, getting a notepad if he had to take down any notes while he is on the phone call.

"Baby boy, I would like to see you in my office." Taehyung purred from the other line of the call, making the younger to plush, yet get intrigued for why his boss wanted to see him.

Before the brunet could answer his boyfriend hung up, with that he got out of his chair and made his way to his boss' office. He entered the room and closed it behind him.

"There's my baby~!" Taehyung smirked, the younger felt himself turn red when he saw his boss sitting on top of his desktop, sitting in a polite yet sexy manner.

"Hey, Tae." Jungkook grinned walking over to his boyfriend, standing a few feet away from him.

"My baby has been working so hard today, I wanted to reward him." The blond smirked, getting off his desk, pulling Jungkook into his arms.

Without either saying another word Tae crashed his lips against the other's. Jungkook was fazed at first but quickly eased into the kiss, their lips fitting perfectly together as they move in sync. The blond pushed the younger on top of his desk, slamming his back against the furnished wood.

Jungkook moaned when he felt his back hit the wood and Taehyung crawling over his body. "H-Hyung! Ah-not now, someone can see us." Jungkook managed to say when he pulled from his boyfriend's lips. Taehyung didn't care and reconnected their lips together.

"I don't care, invite them to watch and I won't give a shit as long as I can still make love to you." Taehyung purred into Kookie's lips, leaving a trail of kisses from the younger's lips to down his jawline. He unbuttoned the first few buttons to give him enough access to Jungkook's chest and neck. Licking a patch of the brunet's skin, Taehyung caressed Jungkook's inner thigh, causing the younger boy to mewl at the touch of his boyfriend's large hands.

"O-oh! T-Tae!" He yelped when the older bit down harshly on the skin of his collarbone, causing every bit of sense that Jungkook had left his mind leaving him in pure bliss, wanting the blond to touch him more. He brought his hands up to the dyed blond hair, entwining his fingers within the strands of the golden coloured locks, tilting his head to the side to give a better view of his neck, wanting the other to cover him in marks to show that he was his property.

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