Never Say Never

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"Your family is really nice, your bunny, not so much." Jungkook spoke.

Taehyung entwined their hands together and leaned his head on the younger's, "I told you my family will love you~! Now, let's go inside and eat, I hunger." The blond informed as he broth them both up the step to the front door of their apartment's, heading straight over to Jungkook's place.

"You ate like two hours ago before we left Daegu." Jungkook poured as he grabbed out his keys to unlock the door to his home.

"Yeah! Two hours too long!" Taehyug whined quite loudly but Jungkook just shook it off and smiled at his boyfriend's cuteness.

Jungkook inserted the keys and unlocked the door, opening it wide and walked in with the blond's arm slung over his neck. Jungkook stopped him and the older when he saw a plain black suitcase standing up against the wall in the hallway.

"Tae, there is a random black bag in my hallway." The brunet piped, pointing at the random bag.

"Ain't mine, sweetie-"

Jungkook could hear ruffling echoing from his bedroom and froze. "Hyung. There is someone in my bedroom. Get me my rifle." He muttered, slowly dropping his bags on the ground as he moved closer to his room. "I'm gonna shoot these hippies that think they can break into my room."

"Jungkook. You don't have a gun-" Taehyung shut up when he reached towards a random set of drawers in the hallway and pulled out a nurf riffle gun. "You have a gun."

"I have one in each room. These hippies are really gonna get what's coming to them." Jungkook whispered quietly before tiptoeing towards his bedroom, sliding against the wall and stayed still.

Jungkook held a countdown with his finger, slowly counting down from five with his one free hand while mounting the words. Taehyung rolled his eyes while he watched the younger.

Once Jungkook hit one he grabbed the door, opening it wide and pointed the gun at the stranger. "Put your hands up, hippy!"  Jungkook yelled, his eyes widening when he sees who the perpetrator is. "Mom?!"

"Ah hello, Jungkookie." His mom grinned, fluffing one of Jungkook's sleeping pillows and the young brunet just stayed still in complete confusion and shock.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned as he pulled the toy gun to his side.

"Jungkookie? Are you okay? I don't hear shooting. So-" Taehyung stopped as he popped his head out of the door to see a middle age woman in the same room as his boyfriend. "Who's that?"

"That is my mother, Hyung." The younger answered, chuckling lightly when he heard a long string of "ohhhh" leave his mouth.

"Who is this, Kookie?" Jungkook's mom asked, staring at Taehyung with beady eyes, making Taehyung to just stand there awkwardly.

"This is my boyfriend, mother." The brunet replied and his mother frowned instantly.

"Boyfriend? How come you didn't tell me about him?" She pondered steppingstones closer to the couple and criticizing the blond to herself.

"Well, you didn't even tell me you were planning on coming over! How did you even get in?" Jungkook asked, starting to get enraged by his mother.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Now, I'm gonna go and unpack in the spare bedroom. And I'll see you all for dinner." She forced a smile before walking passed Jungkook and Taehyung, towards the spare bedroom.

"Your mom is... really something." Taehyung broke the silence between the pair, making Jungkook hum and nod in response.

"She gets really annoying at times." Jungkook pouted.

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