Very Out of Line

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"Another day." Jungkook sighed as his alarm clock started to ring, indicating him to get up.

He couldn't sleep at all last night. He could only think of his ex.

"Don't worry Jungkook. You won't have to worry. You will never see that sorry excuse of a man ever again. And Taehyung will be there, with me... but what if he isn't? No, your just over thinking, like usual." Jungkook sighed as he buttoned up his shirt for work.

He received a notification that morning that his usual route to work has been blocked off due to construction. So now, he has to take the subway if he wants to get to work on time.


'I'm never taking the subways again! I'm never taking the subways again!' Jungkook eternally yelled to himself as he witnessed the horror of public transport. People sneezing and coughing on each other. Everyone squished into one part of the subway train. Sweaty people standing so close to each other. And of course the annoying sounds of children crying.

Typical horror.

The train finally came to a stop. Jungkook immediately ran out of the transport, passing by all the infected people.

He let out a loud sigh when he escaped from the subway train. He climbed up the steps to the surface and breathed in the fresh air. The steps led him to the front of the of the office building.


"Mr Kim? I'm sorry I'm lat- Mr Kim?" Jungkook asked as he entered his boss's office. It was completely empty, even the work he has left previous nights ago was still on his desk. "I guess he is late."


Jungkook sat at his desk, working on some documents that was left on his bosses desk and thought that it might be a good idea to check over them since he has no work to do.

He's been doing the same work over and over again and yet his boss never arrived to work.

"Excuse me~"

The brunette's head popped up when he heard an angelic voice. When he lifted up his head he spotted a bright orange haired boy, knocking gently at the door.

"C-come in." He said and watched as the other strutted in and stopped at the front of Jungkook's desk.

"Hello there cutie, I was wondering if Kim Taehyung is busy. Your his secretary right? I just want to visit him." He smiled, flashing his white teeth and an eye smile that could kill any living soul by how cute it is.

"I-I, u-um. W-well Mr K-Kim is o-out right now but you are allowed to wait h-here till he comes back." Jungkook smiled, gesturing him to the empty seat that was beside him.

"Oh thank you." The orange haired male smiled and took the offer, taking the empty seat and released a relaxed sigh. "Oh, sorry my name is Jimin by the way. And I can tell by your name tag on the desk that your Jungkook. So it's nice to meet you." The boy that Jungkook now know is called Jimin greeted himself and put out his hand, waiting to be shaken by Jungkook's hand.

"H-hello." Jungkook stuttered, making Jimin chuckle and shook the latter's hand.

After there hands separated Jungkook pretended to go straight back to work when he was actually doodling on a blank page.

Jimin grabbed out his phone, probably playing games while he waited for Mr Kim to come into work.

The brunette took secret glances at orange haired male that was sitting right in front of him, almost drooling over his handsomeness.

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