Hearing The Heart

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Jungkook pushes open his front door. Taehyung dropped him home like usual the only thing that was different was that it was quiet. Dead quiet. The only thing you could hear was the agonizingly long and painful hot breathing of the two and the purring engine of the expensive car. The lack of talking killed the brunet on the inside. What killed him even more was the way he shoved the blond away every time he tried to get closer to him, whether it was just a playful ruffle of the younger's silky brown locks, trying to start a conversation and the simple flirts that Taehyung would say which wasn't much of a surprise to anyone. The young male collapsed on his couch, his legs dangling over the side of the armrest as his face was in the other armrest of the couch, muffling all the loud and aggressive moans and groans that was caused by the major headache and stress he's been feeling.

"I-I'm acting stupid, aren't I?" Jungkook asked himself while he mindlessly banged his head against the armrest, making his headache grow worse. "A f-fuck!" Jungkook hissed, rubbing the temple of his forehead with the palm of his hand to try and ease the pain. He grabbed him from his back pocket quickly skimmed through his contacts till he found Yoongi's contact and pressed call. The phone ringed three times before his friend finally answered.

"Whats up, Bunny Boy?" Yoongi's voice echoed through the phone in Jungkook's grasp.

"Y-Yoongi Hyung... come over, please... I-I need your help." The brunet groaned into the chair, holding his phone up to his ear to talk to the older.

"No. There is no fucking way I'm gonna have sex with you again! Sexting maybe but I ain't fucking you again!" Yoongi exclaimed, his voice deafened the younger's.

"Hyung! What the hell?! First! I was drunk and we promised to never do it again and never speak of it! And what do you mean by 'sexting maybe'?!" Jungkook screamed into the phone, feeling his entire body heat up with embarrassment.

"Let's not mind that. Why did you call?" The mint coloured hair male asked, trying to change the subject to a new one to try get the topic off of him.

"Whatever, I just need to talk to a friend, I kind of have a problem." Jungkook sighed, getting his face out of the couch and sat himself properly on his seat.

"By 'kind of have a problem' do you mean-"

"Just get your ass over here!" Jungkook yelled through the phone and hung up, throwing his phone on the love seat across the room. "Pabo."


"Bunny Boy~! I brought you food! So open this godforsaken door or god so help me-!" Yoongi's rant was cut off by the opening of the door he has been yelling at for a good few minutes.

"Geez, stop yelling! And stop calling me that! And thank you for the food." Jungkook mumbled, grabbing the paper bag that contained the ever so comforting food; lamb skewers. Jungkook took the box out of the bag, leaving it on the ground and going over to his sofa to happily start stress eating, leaving the door open for Yoongi to come in.

Yoongi followed in behind the younger, closing the door and taking a seat opposite from the younger. "Slow down, eating only solves so much."

"Whatever..." The brunet mumbled, scoffing down more of the juicy brown meat, hoping it would solve his problems, although, just like Yoongi said: 'eating can only solve so much'.

"So, why did you call me over? I was gonna invite Jimin over to my place." The older complained, taking a lamb skewer from the younger's hands and started nibbling on the meat teasingly.

"Thanks... anyways, I needed help. You know that mark guy I told you about?" Jungkook asked, pushing the box of lamb skewers to his friend so he can finish the small portion.

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