Obsessive Old Boyfriend

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"Jungkook?" A voice asked as the door no longer moved slowly and instead it swung open.


"Oh Jungkookie, What brings you here. I didn't know you wanted to see me this badly." Taehyung chuckled as he saw Jungkook infront of him, outside of his home.

"I'm sorry Sir." Jungkook bowed, apologizing to his boss/ neighbor for disturbing him. The older lifted the younger's face up to his and gave a smirk that made Jungkook want to slap it off.

"No need, I would actually quite enjoy getting daily visits like these from you." He said, not removing that smirk off of his lips. Jungkook blushed at his commit and looked down at the floor, trying to cover it but he could still see it.

The brunette coughed before beginning again. "I just wanted to say good morning, I-um, I just moved in next door and I wanted to greet my neighbor."

Taehyung stood still. He thought about what the latter had just said. Jeon Jungkook is Kim Taehyung's new neighbor. A bright boxy smile appeared on his pink lips of his at the thought of all the stuff that could happen with Jungkook as his roommate.

"Is that so?" Tae asked with a bright smile on his face as Jungkook nodded in response. "Would you like to come in? I can make tea or coffee." The older smiled.

The brunette shook his head saying, "no thanks." But was shortly cut off by Tae pulling him into the apartment answering him with an, "I insist." Pulling him into the huge apartment and sitting him down on a red colored couch.

Jungkook said nothing and stayed seated in where Tae had told him to.

"So do you want anything?" Tae asked polite as he seated himself beside the younger and waited for a response.

Jungkook was straight away gonna say no cause he would always feel awkward taking something from someone's home. Although... Jungkook's throat was feeling dry, probably because he was nervous since he was dragged into his bosses house by his boss himself and sat down. So Jungkook answered.

"Can I please have a cup of tea?" Jungkook asked insolently, staring down at his hands that were having a war with each other.

"Of course, I'll be right back." Tae said, smirking at the younger whom was dying of nerves on the couch before he walked off into the kitchen and heating up the kettle full of water.

The younger sighed on the sofa, trying to calm himself down and could hear an interesting conversation from the kitchen.

"Jiminie hyung! What's taking you so long I've been waiting for what's seems like an hour, what are you still at home or... oh, sorry for accusing you then. Are you stuck there by yourself?... Aw~ lucky you. Anyway I gotta go, I have one of those with me as we speak... Bye Jiminie~."

The phone call ended, after it has ended Tae walks back into the living room and placing a hot cup of tea in front of the younger who was blushing uncontrollably.

"Is that all you want?" Tae asked sweetly, getting a nod from Jungkook.

The brunette took a long sip from his boiling cup of tea, placing it gently on the saucer when he was finished.

He wanted to ask who he was talking to but he thought asking that might cross a line into his personal space. "Taehyung?"

"Yes?" Taehyung answered, waiting for the next question that Jungkook was gonna ask.

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