Tonight, Date

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"Taehyung, I want to take you on a date. Tonight. Just the two of us."

"J-Jungkook? Are you feeling well?" Taehung asked, concerned. He held the back of his hand up against the younger's forehead to try and check for a temperature.

"Y-yes, Hyung. It's just t-that I came to a realization... I guess y-you could call i-it a-and... I want to t-take you out on a date..." The younger mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously, his head hanging low as he was too scared to look at his face, while he fumbled with the hem of his shirt anxiously as well.

"Y-you're being serious?" The elder asked and Jungkook finally decided to look up at his Hyung. All of his nerves slowly drifted away and were replaced with ease as he noticed the end of his Hyung's perfect lips were curled up into a subtle smile.

"Y-yes." The brunet nodded with a smile. The young boy was frozen when he felt two arms wrap around him and was met with the warm embrace that the blond provided.

"I would love to, Kookie." Taehyung mumbled into the crook of Jungkook's neck. The two stayed in that position for a while, enjoying the warmth and carefulness that the two provided for each other. Tae slowly pulled away from the younger and gave him his bright and radiant smile. "Come in, I'll get changed quickly and we can head out."

Jungkook nodded and followed him into his apartment and awed at the older's apartment. He examined the room and he realized how much their apartment looks the same besides the little accessories that are scattered around his home that differs to the other. The brunet sat on the older's sofa as he waited for him to get changed. The younger softly hummed a random tune that came to his head as he waited.

"Our page?"

Jungkook spun around quickly, getting whiplash but pushed it to the side and tried to ignore it although it was proven difficult, he still gave his full attention to his date. "Yeah... I love that song..." Jungkook mumbled, remembering how he did nothing but sit in his bedroom in a cocoon of blankets wilts he watched the video on loop with a box of tissues by his side as he bawled his eyes out for days.

"Mine too. I miss Jonghyun, he was my favourite. We all miss him..." Taehyung mumbled as he sat down beside me, looking down at his hands that were fighting against each other.

"Yeah..." The younger agreed and the room was met with uncomfortable silence.

"Come'on... let's go on our date." Taehyung tried to smile as he picked up the younger's hands in his own and lifted him off the chair.

"Y-yeah. Also, Hyung? Can I drive us in your car? I don't have one." The brunet muttered and the older agreed, handing him the keys and hung an arm around the younger's petite body.

"So, where are you taking me tonight?" Taehyung asked as he closed the door and walked to the elevator to the ground floor instead of walking because who would want to walk?

"It's a surprise!"


Jungkook carefully drove his date's car. He eyed the road till he came to his destination. A couples cafe.

"Oh, we're going to a cafe?" Taehyung asked as he unhooked his belt and opened his car door, ready to go into the building for his date, until he was abruptly stopped by the younger.

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