Assembling The Seven

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Jungkook got off with a very angry Seokjin. Who could blame him though? He promised he would text him once he moved to his new home and yet the older didn't get a single text or phone call and man was he furious.

In return, though he promised to come over to his and his husband's apartment later that day and to invite Yoongi and if either of them found a 'lover' in the time that the two did not speed to each other to invite them over as well. Neither Taehyung or Jungkook told anyone that they were in a relationship yet so they both thought it would be the perfect time to tell everyone.

So here Jungkook is. Standing in front of his boyfriend's door to tell him that they will be at a friends house in exactly eight minutes.

The brunet took a deep breath before he tapped on the door three times and waited for the door to open. After a little while of waiting the door opened an there Taehyung stood in his boxers with a loose tee to cover his chest.

"Oh, hey, Baby." Taehyung smirked as he looked at the younger shocked face, noticing the little drool that formed in the corner of his lips. "What's up?"

The brunet's jolted up once he finally heard Taehyung talking to him. It was just quite distracting to see his boyfriend in boxers and a loose shirt. It was slightly turning the younger on although he tried to ignore that side of his brain and focus on telling him that he is gonna make the older go with him to his friends' house.

"M-morning, Hyung!" Jungkook bowed, mentally slapping himself. Who the hell would bow to their boyfriend in this content?

"What's with the formalities, Baby Boy?" The older smirked, lifting the younger's face up to his with his index finger and placed a delicate and passionate kiss on his lips, making the younger silently moan and melt into the kiss. Once they both pulled away Jungkook lost everything that was in his mind. "What is it that you need, Bunny?"

After a moment to recollect himself, he took in a deep breath before speaking. "I was wondering if you would like to go with Yoongi, Jimin and I to a friends house." The brunet asked, avoiding eye contact with his love.

The older tilted the brunet's head upwards so the can look at his beautiful milky brown eyes. "I'd love to baby. When were you planning on going?" The blond asked, causing the latter to look down at his wristwatch to calculate when he is supposed to get there at.

"Five minutes."

"You really are special..." The blond sighed, rubbing his head. "I'll get changed quickly and we'll drive up." He murmured and walked into his apartment and into his bedroom to get changed so Jungkook followed in behind him and took a seat on one of the blond's couches in the living room while he patiently waited.

Later Taehyung came out wearing a simple oversized white, striped shirt and skinny black jeans. Just enough to make Jungkook and any other Fangirl or Fanboy drool, faint or nosebleed at the heavenly sight.

"You ready, Bunny Boy?" The older smirk as he watched the drool drop drip from the said boy's lip.

"Y-yes." The dark haired male stuttered as he got up and followed his Hyung out the door, closing the front door behind him.

"So, where do your friends live?"

"I'll tell you the directions in the car."


"I swear that I've been down here before..." Taehyung trailed off as he carefully listened to the directions that his boyfriend was giving him.

"Turn... left! Now!" Jungkook yelled as he pointed at a small road that trailed in the left direction.

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