Enjoying The Company

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"Do we have to go to Namjoon's place again? My head still hurts from drinking last night. Plus we can just order food instead of eating over at their place." Jungkook pouted as he laid beside Taehyung in his bed. 

Taehyung walked in with a glass of water and two pain killer. "Sit up, baby, take these with the water. It will get rid of the headaches." The blond spoke as he sat down beside his boyfriend.

He watched the brunet's 'Jungkook's apple' as he swallowed the medicine and took a sip of the ice-cold water. A cooling droplet missing his mouth and rolled down his lip and to his chin. All that Tae could do was stare in awe at how mesmerizing his boyfriend was. He was all his. Vice versa.

"You are so beautiful." The blond spoke as he quickly latched his lips to the younger's neck slowly sucking and biting on a piece of skin, making the younger moan heavenly.

"This early, Hyung?" Jungkook muttered, eyes closed as he placed the glass on his tableside, sinking into the feeling of the older's mouth. He wants to feel the older's mouth all over his body. "I'de be lying if I said I didn't want it though." Jungkook moaned, grabbing ahold of the back of his neck and pulled the older's head away and instead kissing his lips.

The younger bit the other's bottom lip and forced his tongue into the older's, making the older laugh at his action and pull away with a soft smirk curled up on his lips. "What do you think you were doing, little bunny?"

Jungkook's cheeks reddened as saw the smirk on his Hyung's lips and looked down. "I-I wanted to have some fun too... I can't let you have it all. Please, TaeTae~!" Jungkook pleaded, batting his eyes up at his Hyung before he left butterfly kisses on the older's exposed skin that was shown from the shirt he wore going to sleep the following night.

Taehyung moaned at the view. Jungkook eyes stayed connected to his as he placed wet open mouth kisses along his skin, batting his eyes. The eye batting always got to Taehyung. It was the cutest thing in the world to him and the fact that the person he loved was kissing him while doing so mad him in pure euphoria. "You know I can't say no to that my little, bunny. Go on then. Take control of your Hyung."

Jungkook smiled at hearing this and took the chance to swoop down onto the older's pair of lips and forced his tongue inside, feeling proud as he felt and heard his Hyung grunt and moan in pleasure. This gave him a confidence boost.

The brunet made his way onto the older's lap as he slowly pushed his back against the bed so he would be on top. He trailed his hand down the blond's body until he reached Taehyung's waist.

He rubbed the older's thigh affectionately as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with Tae's. His confidence grew further as he felt the older squirm under his touch. "What's wrong, baby? Can you not handle little bunny's touch?" Jungkook teased as his hand went dangerously close to the older's forming erection in his shorts.

"I-I thought you had a headache." Taehyung moaned, wishing for some form of friction to please him.

"I did, but you made it better." Jungkook purred out as his free hand played with the older's hair. "Now let your bunny please you."

"Oh yes~! Taehyung moaned out as he felt Jungkook's hand graze against his neglected erection, causing a wave of pleasure to rush onto him. "Yes, baby! Oh, god. You gotta do this again in the future." He moaned out at how perfectly Jungkook's hands fitted around his covered penis.

"Glad to hear it." Jungkook whispered into his ear as he slowly moved his hand up and down the older's shaft, making him whimper moan his name. He never knew someone like Taehyung could be so submissive. He loved every second of it.

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