Totally dense

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"Come on TaeTae~! You may be the boss of the company but we can't keep showing up to work late!" Jungkook yelled as he continued his never-ending knocks on the front door of his boss' front door. He was called into work by Taehyung on his day off today so of course, he had to go in and he wanted to go in with Taehyung like they always did. It turned into a routine for the two.

"Don't worry Kooks, the construction on the road has finished so we will be at work in no time! Especially with my newly fixed car, we will be there in about five minutes top!" Taehyung exclaimed as he opened the door of his home, closing it quickly as he wrapped an arm over the younger's waist. He dragged them both to his car as he spun the keys for the vehicle around his index finger.

"You really love that car, don't you?" Jungkook teased as he opened the passenger's seat and got in while the blond got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Not as much as you, babe." He winked and could literally hear the younger's eye roll. "Besides, you couldn't see it properly yesterday since it was so dark so you're technically seeing it for the first time!"

Jungkook chuckled at how excited the older was about his car, he was like how a child would be at his new toy truck.

"Hey, have you heard from the others yet?" Taehyung questioned and he just shook his head and stared out the window.

"I think right now he's sleeping." The brunet smiled and kicked his legs back and forth in boredom as he looked straight ahead.

"That sounds like Yoongi." He laughed and before the two knew it they were right outside the office building like Taehyung promised, only five minutes. "See. I told you we would get here in time. Now, let's get in quickly because we're late." The blond spoke and opened his side of the car door and left, the other following and closed the car door like his boss.

"Perfect logic."

"I know, now get your perfectly shaped ass over here." The older demanded and the younger just nodded along, following beside his boss. They walked into the building side by side, greeting the passersbys that also worked in the building.

Once the two reached the end of the hallway they waited for the elevator which was for the more higher up staff. When the elevator arrived the two males got into it and before they knew it the elevator dinged and the elevator doors opened. As Taehyung noticed no one was in sight he snaked his right arm around the younger's slim waist and pulled him closer to himself. The brunet didn't really notice that his boss' hand was on his waist so... today Taehyung went unhurt. Which was a miracle.

"Ladies first~!" Taehyung sang as he opened the glass doors that lead to both of their offices and gestured for his dongsaeng to enter which he gratefully did.

"Such a gentleman."

"I know."


Jungkook hummed a gentle tune as he continued to work on a report that Taehyung was too lazy to do so he happily did it for him.

Buzz~ Buzz~

The brunet's head shot up at the buzzing of the IP phone on the edge of his desk. He pressed the shining silver button and accepted the call.

"Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook speaking." The brown haired male called out at the phone as he continued to scribble down some improvements to the file.

"Hey, babe~! Can you do your TaeTae a favour and open the door to my office?" Taehyung asked through the call in a seductive voice.

The younger sheepishly smiled at his Hyung and nodded at his request. "Of course, Hyung. I'll do it right away."

"Thank you babe~!"

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