Stupid Arguments

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Jungkook couldn't move. It was five in the morning. His backside was aching. He couldn't get over the pain. It's been so long since he last had sex he forgot how painful the aftermath was.

"T-Taehyung." Jungkook stuttered, poking the older's chest to try and wake up. He needed painkillers and he couldn't get up. "Hyung, please wake up."

Taehyung groaned when he woke up from his slumber, feeling a strong urge to go back into that state. "What is it Kookie?" He yawned sleepily, closing his eyes again to try and sleep more before seven when he has to get up for work.

"My but hurts. Can you get me some painkillers?" Jungkook muttered, no instead of poking the older's bare chest with his finger, he drew circles. "Please, Hyungie?" He batted his eyes with an adorable smile that could make anyone's heart flutter and do as he asks.

"Alright..." he sighed, unwrapping his arms from the younger's slim body and slipped out of the bed, wobbling to the bedroom's door, eyes barely open as he tried to locate the door by sense alone.

"Don't forget to put on clothes, I don't want you to get a cold."

"Yeah, yeah." Taehyung sighed as he grabbed his worn and dirty boxers from the ground and pulled it up to his waist and left the bedroom.

He wobbled to the kitchen, turning on the ceiling light, it blinded him before he finally got used to the light. He poured his boyfriend a glass of water and checked the cabinets for medicine only to find the painkillers were empty. "Who puts an empty box back in the cabinet?"

He just grabbed the water and went back to the bedroom and handed him the cold glass of water. "Sorry, baby, all out of painkillers. We can get more on our way to work. I'm really tired so I'll talk to you again in the morning. Good night." Taehyung yawned, rolling back into bed and pulling the covers back over himself to try and get more sleep.

"T-Taehyung... It really hurts." Jungkook whimpered and Taehyung rolled over and saw how sad and broken he was.

"What do you want me to do them?"

"You can go to a pharmacy and get me some more?"

Taehyung sighed and rubbed his forehead. 'Do it for him.' "Alright, Kookie. I'll go and look for one that's opened but I doubt that any are."

"Thank you, Taehyung." Jungkook grinned, hugging his boyfriend before he got changed into some pairs of jeans, a jumper and a jacket.

"I'll see you in a bit baby." The blond kissed his boyfriend's forehead. He grabbed his keys from the bedside table and left the apartment to his car.

H drove around Seoul in hopes there would be one open for him. But all hope was gone when it turned six and he was still driving around the city. The sun was rising for another day and that's when he got frustrated. He banged his head against the steering wheel and made the car honk which woke him up a bit but he was still exhausted and tired from not having a good nights sleep.

Taehyung pulled the car up to a curb and took out his phone to call his Hyung. The phone rang as he prayed that Jimin would pick up. "Come' on, Hyung." The blond spoke to himself, beginning to become impatient.

"Tae... it's like.. six in the morning. I have a trial case later today so this better be important. I need my beauty sleep to swoon the judge and I also need to be able to think." Jimin yawned from the other side of the phone.

"Jimin, do you have painkillers?" Taehyunng got to the point, not bothering with the chit chat. The sooner he got this done the sooner he gets to go home and nap.

"Yeah, I think so, why?"

"Jungkook and I had sex last night and now he needs me to go all over Seoul for some painkillers. So you have some?" Taehyung asked again. He heard a lot of shuffling on the other side of the call so he is presuming that he is searching for some.

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