Surprise Visit

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"Hyungie, I'm nervous as hell." Jungkook mumbled as Taehyung got on to the highway. He is driving to Daegu since he thought he can use some quality time to talk with his boyfriend.

"Don't be, baby. They will love you. Like you should have seen the farm I grew up on, we had like a whole section to rabbits and we would go out every morning and feed them. I had this pet bunny which was my favourite out of the rest, don't tell them that though, and I called her Thumper after the Bambi movie." Taehyung grinned and Jungkook just looked at him with a peculiar expression, his mouth catching flies.

He never heard Taehyung talk about his family.

"Tae," Jungkook pouted, hearing Taehyung hum in response which hinted to him to continue. "Why have you never told me of your life growing up?"

Tae just sighed as he kept his eyes on the road. He shrugged, "I don't know, just thought that you wouldn't be interested, that's all."

"You're my boyfriend, why would I not be interested in the people that raised the most gentlemanly and handsomest man in the world?" Jungkook asked, moving his hand down to the blond's thigh, rubbing circles on the inside of his leg, dangerously close to Taehyung's nether region.

"Mmm... baby, if that was the case then I should be meeting your family." Taehyung moaned out, a tent forming in his trousers, he wanted Jungkook's hands to touch him so bad.

"Haha, my Hyung is such a player with his flirts." Jungkook fake laughed as he rolled his eyes, continuing to rub his boyfriend's thigh, rubbing closer to his Hyung's section. "Seriously though, I want to know some things about where you grew up."

"Well..." Taehyung muttered. "I grew up on a small farm in Daegu. My grandmother took care of me for half of my life with the help of my grandfather. I'd help them by going out, feeding the animals, farming up crops, that type of stuff. It was kinda boring actually. I didn't have any friends growing up." Taehyung finished his sentence, not tearing his eyes away from the road for even a second.

"Sounds lonely." Jungkook frowned, continuing to stroke Taehyung's inner thigh, not realizing he was getting the other very, very, sexually aroused.

"With all the animals we had, not at all. Also at the time, I didn't like other kids, they had such foal language so my grandma didn't want me around them." The blond shrugged as he continued to blabber on about his childhood life of growing up.

"I'd take a bus to the closest school which was still a good while away. Kids didn't like me. I spent most of my school years being an outsider." The blond mumbled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he kept talking. "I just wanted to quit and spend the rest of my life helping my family on the farm but they wanted me to stay in school to get a better education and get a high paying and a very respectable job. So I did as they told me and finished high school, I soon moved to Seoul to go to college. I graduated and soon enough I managed to become CEO. Although, I spent like a year serving them like I was a servant. But now, they are my servants." Taehyung grinned devilishly.

"At least it had a happy ending." Jungkook smiled, pressing his head against the older's shoulder. The fact that his boyfriend practically calling him a servant went straight past his mind.

"Not yet, baby." The blond grinned, tearing his eyes from the road for a second to place a quick kiss on the brunet's, slightly curled, hair, causing a laugh to pass through the younger's cherry red lips.

"Baby?" The blond called out, causing the said male to look up at him.

"Yes, Tae?" He questioned, noticing a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"I'm not gonna say that I don't enjoy it cause man, I really do love it but not when I'm driving."

Jungkook frowned as he just stared at his boyfriend. 'What is he talking about?' "Hyung, what do you mean?"

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