Happy Birthday Hoseok

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Jungkook tiredly yawned as he was dragged towards the front door of his friends' door. The couple had to wake up early today since- well since both of them sort of forgot that they were going over to Seokjin's place for Hoseok's birthday and they both had to go out shopping for a present in which they both settled on a toy flamingo.

Taehyung knocked on the door, pulling Jungkook to his side out of habit and patted the younger's head.

The door opened to an overly excited and slightly tipsy and a happily decorated with a pink birthday hat with a matching, bright, pink boa dangling around his neck. His shirt was quite short, similar to a crop top that had the words 'Daddy' written in all bright pink caps. His pants were... well just as short with rips down his thighs. There was a purple party whistle between his lips, blowing into the object which caused a loud ear raping noise into the couple's ears.

"Dude, it's a kid's party, why are you dressed like a really gay stripper?" Taehyung snickered, watching Jin make a fool of himself as he tripped by just standing- if that was possible- although, it apparently is possible since Jim just did it.

"Hoseokie dresses me, he got his great fashion taste from me I see." He slurred, grinning like an idiot before waving for the couple to come in. "Come in, come in!"

They both did as told and was introduced with a small heard of little kids running around and laughing. "Hoseok~ uncle TaeTae and uncle Kookie are here!"

Soon a little kid came out with died red-haired and grinning his heart shape smile. "Hyung!"

"Woah, cool hair kid." Taehyung smiled, ruffling the new coloured hair and laughing playfully. "Happy Birthday, bro."

"Happy Birthday, this is from the two of us." Jungkook spoke up, handing a neatly wrapped box with colourful paper.

"Wow! Thanks, Hyungs!" The child squealed, shaking the box to hear what's inside.

"I'll put this away, go play with your friends." Jin slurred, taking the present from his son and waved the birthday boy off to play with his friends. "Come." Jin spoke to the couple and lead them to the master bedroom which had a pile of presents in one corner and a couple of very familiar faces sitting around the room, some with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer in hand.

"Welcome to the grownup's club." Jin slurred, grabbing a bottle from Yoongi and popped it open by the corner of his bedside table and started to chug it down.

"Yeah, welcome to the organization of gays. Grab a glass of wine or a bottle of beer." Namjoon spoked, handing a bottle to Taehyung and Yoongi handed Jungkook a glass of wine.

"Um, isn't it kinda a bad idea to get drunk in an apartment full of little kids?" Jungkook wondered as he looked around the room. Majority of the people were drunk or on the verge of becoming drunk.

"That's why we voted for Namjoon to stay sober." Jimin chirped, raising his glass in the air and grinning cheekily, getting his cheeks pinched by his boyfriend.

"Yep, yay me." The said male sighed and took a sip from his water bottle, frowning when he didn't taste the burning sensation of alcohol down his throat but instead the cool and refreshing taste of water.

"Jin! I finished my bottle!" Yoongi piped up, waving his empty bottle of beer around in the air and Jin squealed with excitement.

"Great! Now we can get this party started!"

"It's a kids party-"

"Not now Jungkook!" Jin barked so Jungkook quickly shut his mouth, giving Jin a look of disgust as he drank from his glass.

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