End UwU

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Jungkook took in a deep breath of air and breathed out. He fixed his tie in the mirror, rather happy with himself at the moment. His Hyungs gave him a strict rule of not looking even half as good as either of them or else his head would be chopped off.

He sure does love his Yoongi Hyung.

"You look beautiful, Kookie."

Jungkook turned around, smiling brightly at his boyfriend. "Hey, TaeTae. You look handsome as well."

"Thanks, Kookie." Taehyung purred, wrapping his arms around Jungkook from behind his back, nuzzling his nose into the younger's neck and kissing his skin softly. "I can't believe are Hyung's are getting married... I thought we would be first before them."

"If I'm being honest, so did I." The brunet giggled, adoring the feeling of his Hyung's lips peppering kisses across his skin. "Don't leave a mark, I don't want to look like a mess reading my speech- like I'm gonna be behind Yoongi and he will kill me if I look like a mess."

"True." He murmured in reply, groaning when he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He whipped it out and accept the incoming call. "What's up, Jiminie? You are literally getting married in... ten minutes? Why are you calling?"

"Tae, Yeontan isn't getting into his suit and I'm freaking out! I can't find my vows- it's the only thing I had to do and I can't find my fucking vows! I can't speak on the spot or else I'll mess up everything and he'll leave me at the altar-"

"Hyung! Calm down, I made a copy for you and I'll get Tannie into his suit. Just calm down." Taehyung hushed.

"Alright... j-just be here soon, I'm really scared." Jimin whimpered, hanging up the call before Taehyung could say anything else.

"Alright, looks like the best man's work is never done." Taehyung laughed, putting his phone in his back pocket, kissing his boyfriend on his cheek one last time. "I'll see you after the ceremony."


Jimin inhaled and exhaled to calm himself down. His brother patted him on the back as his way to wish him luck and Taehyung did the same. The two best men spent the past ten minutes consoling Jimin before they went out in front of many of his closest friends and family.

While they walked him up the isle they stopped in front of the guests and began the tradition Korean wedding traditions. His mother wanted a traditional wedding like she had while Jimin wanted a modern one- Yoongi didn't care as long as he was getting married at the end of it- so they compromised and did both.

Jihyun gave Jimin a wooden goose which he would have to present to Yoongi's mother. Although, they weren't there to follow the traditions so, Yoongi's brother stepped in.

The best men lead Jimin to a little brown table that stood at the end of the wedding hall which Jimin bowed in front of the table and placed the goose on top, facing it east, the direction of where the ceremony was taking place.

Yoongi's older brother, Geumjae, took the table with the goose on top and brought it away while Jimin was lead to the platform at the top of the venue where he waited for Yoongi with his best men at his side.

Jimin straightened his posture when he heard the piano start to play, everyone's heads turned down the isle where they saw Hoseok with a flower basket in one hand and the leash in the other that was attached to Yeontan which was wearing a little black blazer with a white shirt and a bow tie.

Hoseok threw flower petals across the ground, Yeontan pulled on the leash and dragged Hobi up the aisle while Hoseok continued to toss petals, standing behind Jungkook and Yoongi's brother, smiling at the crowd. Very proud of himself while Namjoon and Jin waved to the boy from the crowed like it was a talent show and he just aced it.

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