The Beginning Of The End

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Taehyung ran across the newly cleaned floors, which- lets be honest- is not the greatest idea, to catch their tiny puppy that was running away from Tae with a piece of wrapped up candy in his mouth. Taehyung was terrified that Yeontan would get sick if he found his way into the sweet and he really did not want one of the loves of his life to get sick.

"Tannie! Please drop the sweet!" Taehyung pleaded, grabbing onto the Pomeranian's tail which cause the dog to bark and whimper. 

The sweet fell out of his mouth when he yelled in both pain and fright. The dog slowly turned around to Taehyung and sneered at the older, his teeth coming out.

It was at this point that Taehyung knew, he fucked up.

"Yeontan, don't give me that look... I-I'll give you some treats for being a g-good boy." Taehyung offered with a forced smile to try and convince the dog, not like he even understands him anyways.

The dog barked once and that is all it took for Yeontan to make the blond run away and the dog to go chasing after him. "Kookie! Yeontan is chasing me!" Taehyung screamed at his boyfriend, running into the kitchen and getting up on the kitchen's island so the tiny dog can't get at him.

After the first week of living with the dog, Taehyung figured out he bites when he gets mad. Also, he bites hard.

Jungkook came out of the shared bedroom in a pink translucent robe wrapped around his body, allowing Taehyung to see his blue bunny boxers which made the older drool. No matter how many times he sees the younger male in his boxers or even naked, the heat that rises to his face and ears never calm down and neither does the raging boner in his trousers. "What's wrong Taebear?"

It only took one look at the ground to figure out the situation. Jungkook cooed as he bent down to pick up the feisty puppy and cuddle him in his arms. "Aw~! Is lil' Tannie terrorizing Daddy Tae? Oh yes he is~ yes he is~!" Jungkook grinned at the little fuzz ball in his arms, using a baby voice to talk to him.

"How could you find something terrorizing me cute?" Taehyung frowned, slowly getting down one the ground once he knew it was safe.

"Anything is cute when this little guy does it." Jungkook informed with his bright bunny smile. He turned to the dog and continued to talk to the animal in a baby voice. "Yes it is~ even when you go to the potty on the ground~!"

"I'll make sure you'll clean it up next time." The blond warned, with a smirk playing on his lips as he walked past the brunet to the bedroom.

Jungkook followed behind him with a pout on his lips. "Don't you dare leave me with that crap!"

"To late, no take backs." Taehyung sighed


Jungkook spent the past hour cleaning the house to make it perfect for his guests to arrive. Everything was in place, even Yeontan was in his bed which meant he wouldn't ruin the house before everyone got here.

"Kook, literally Yoongi and Jimin are coming over as well as Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. You don't have to make the house so perfect looking." Taehyung frowned as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, back hugging him gently and placing a quick and gentle kiss on his jawline.

"Well I want it to look nice, since I have standards." Jungkook informed as he tried to escape Taehyung grip on his waist so he could go and fluff the pillows for the umpteenth time.

"You are working yourself, baby-"

A loud knock sounded from the door.

"They are here!" Jungkook screeched as he jumped to the front door and opened it widely with a wide smile on his face creating his guests. "Welcome!"

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