Hello, Cutie

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The after party was going surprisingly smoothly.

Jimin spent most of the time with his family if he wasn't with Yoongi. He introduced Yoongi to his family members, properly introducing Yoongi to his mom, dad and brother. Then he decided to introduce him to his aunt, granny, grandpa, uncle, cousins and basically every single member of his family.

"Thanks for being so cool, Yoongs. My family really likes you." Jimin giggled, pecking the older on the cheek before grabbing his drink from Yoongi that was holding it while he went to talk to his family in private.

"O-of course, Chim. You're having a good time?" The mint haired male asked, trying not to turn into a tomato after the kiss Jimin just gave him.

"The best, and its gonna get better."

Yoongi choked on his drink, no longer trying to hide the red tint on his cheeks as he turned around to face the younger. "What do you mean?" He asked, now curious.

"Wait here, Babe." Jimin grinned to his Hyung before running off.

"What a weird boy." Yoongi hummed as he watched him disappear into the distance. "But he is my weird boy."


It was almost midnight and the after party was still going strong. Jungkook and Taehyung were chatting cutely at each other by the food table. Namjoon and Jin had to leave by now since they have a son at home they had to take care of. Jimin's entire family were still staying strong, not showing one ounce of tiredness and was having the time of their lives while Jimin's friends from college if we're not fully drunk was on there way to.

"Wait here, Baby." Jimin hummed into Yoongi's ear before he left him to run onto a medium sized stage that was decorated with balloons and banners to graduate the lawyer.

He ran up to the microphone that was placed on a stand on the middle of the platform, tapping it twice to make sure it was working, getting everyone's attention for his prepared speech.

"Hello~!" Jimin spoke into the microphone, getting a 'hello' in reply in return. "Wow, it's really is amazing to see how many people came to say congratulations. It really warms my heart." Jimin giggled, getting an 'aw' from the crowd by the aeygo he just pulled without even knowing it.

"Aw, you're making me blush." Jimin joked, turning one shade of pink darker. "Really though, thank you to everyone who has supported me and helped me. I couldn't have done it without you all." Jimin grinned, making the audience's hearts melt at the sight. "I would like to thank my family for coming here today, all the way from Busan. It must have been quite tiring so I'm so happy to see you all here. I would also like to thank my best friend in the entire world for making this party happen and being so well organized and prepared for everything that happened today. I couldn't have made it without you, Tae."

"You little mochi! You're too cute! You're making me cry!" Taehyung fake cried, grabbing a napkin to wipe his invisible tears away, getting a playful slap from his boyfriend.

"Yah, whatever." Jimin swatted his hand at Tae, trying to continue on with his speech. And his confession.

"And I want to thank, Jungkook. Cause, if it weren't for him I probably never would have grown the courage to ask out the love of my life, Yoongi." The orange haired male grinned, looking down at the love of his life that was at the back of the room, blushing as he listened to the younger.

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