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"KooKoo, I swear to god. I. Am. Never. Letting. You. Top. Again." Taehyung huffed out as he tried not to move around in his bed to try and not cause anymore avoidable pain in his ass and or backside. "You ripped my ass apart."

"I'm sorry, Hyungie!" Jungkook whined, rubbing his Hyung's chest through the thin red blouse that draped over Taehyung from last night. "I didn't mean to hurt your cute little tush~!"

"Don't call my ass cute! It also ain't "little"!" Taehyung barked, causing the younger that rested his head on the other's chest to giggle. "My ass is thick! Thick and glorious! You are the one with the cute tush! Cute, juicy tush."

"Okay you are starting to sound like a pervert." Jungkook laughed, smacking the older on the shoulder playfully. "Stop."

"Where did you even learn to do that? Like you seem like a power bottom yet you can do that?" The blond questioned, trailing his fingers down to Jungkook's head to play with his hair while Jungkook trailed his hand up to Taehyung's neck to play with the older's long blond hair.

"I topped in like... two relationships in my day," Jungkook giggled at the memories. "Also when Yoongi Hyung and I were drunk I sorta topped him too."

"Wow, so my baby is experienced?" Taehyung jokes in which Jungkook nodded very proudly.

"You know, I never really heard you talk about your exes. Why so?" The brunet muttered, grazing his fingers through the older's mullet.

"There isn't much to say really. I could never really turn a person down when they asked me- except for girls cause I ain't gonna lie about my sexuality, like I got my limits." Taehyung explained which made the younger laugh again at his silliness. "I would never really date someone longer then a month, expect for one guy... we actually dated for almost a year. Turns out he's been seeing someone behind my back and that we didn't really love each other so we broke things off."

"Aw... that's so sad." Jungkook muttered, feeling the pain he must have felt when he realized that his ex was cheating because- well Jungkook experienced it first hand.

"Eh... it wasn't too bad. The feeling was kinda mutual between both of us so it made things easier to end." The blond spoked, his lips pressed into a thin line, cheeks puffed as he nodded at his own wisdom.

"S-so... am I different?"

Taehyung stopped to think about the question. He never felt the tingles in his stomach that he did with the others. None of them made his heart beat as fast as it does when he is with Jungkook. He feels lost without Jungkook by his side. Then it came to him that what Jungkook said shouldn't even be a question.

"Of course you are, Kookie. As far as I am concerned, you are the only one I want to be with. I want you in my arms all the time. I want to smell your coconut shampoo whenever I wake up in the morning. I want your beautiful face to be the last thing when I fall asleep and first thing when I wake up. I want no one else but you." Taehyung kissed the younger on the cheek, making him blush at his affection and words of admiration.

"That was beautiful, Hyung." The younger grinned, hugging the older tighter than before.

"That was, pass me a pen and paper! I don't want to forget what I just said!" Taehyung exclaimed, rushing Jungkook out of bed for him since he was slightly bed bound for the day. "Quick! I'm slowly forgetting!"

Jungkook later rushed into the bedroom with a pen and paper which Taehyung wasted no time in taking to write down his heartfelt words.

"Alright, my weird little Kitty." Jungkook jokes, petting the older on the head and kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna tryout the oven to make us some breakfast."

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