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"Hey~, bunny. Are you ready for work?" Taehyung chirped, knocking on the door lightly and waited patiently for the door to be open by Jungkook.

"Morning Hyung." Kookie mumble, straightening his tie and his simple black blazer.

"Someone is a tired bunny, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" The blond joked, ruining the boy's already messed up brown hair.

"Waking up on the wrong side of the bed means that the person is cranky, I'm just tired." The brunette grunted, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.

"I was just trying to start a conversation, Kook." The blonde pouted, wrapping his right arm around the younger's neck securely and started walking in the direction of the subway.


"Come on Kookie~" Tae exasperated at the sight of his tired worker that was almost falling asleep on his shoulder. "You can't fall asleep already, we didn't even enter the train yet."

The younger groaned and sleepily entered the train when the doors opened. The two males took the first seat they saw and Jungkook was already starting to fall asleep.

"Come on, you can't fall asleep yet, we just got on the train." Tae spoke, getting a moan and an annoying shuffle in response.

"Just five minutes." The younger responded, getting comfortable on his bosses shoulder by moving around some more till he found his sweet spot and started to doze off.

"No bunny. First off, I'm not your mom. Second off, I'm not your pillow." The blonde informed, pushing the brunet off of his shoulder and tried to wake him up in the process. Instead, he just fell onto the window of the moving vehicle and took a nap there.

"Bunny~" Taehyung whined. "Wake up~!" He moped, swinging the sleeping brunet back and forth. The older's eyes brightened and a subtle smirk crept on his lips. "If you don't wake up, I'll make you get up."  He leaned forward, his lips ghosting over the younger's before he roughly dived down and started hungrily kissing the boy's lips.

Still not budging...

"You're not responding?" the blond mumbled, parting the kiss. "Well, you will be responding soon..." He mumbled again, staring down at the peacefully sleeping body. The blond started kissing the younger again, hungrier and more controlling.

Jungkook moaned under Taehyung's lips, still not awakening from his sleep. Taehyung grunted at the feeling of Jungkook moaning and harshly bit his bottom lip to wake him up.

Jungkook's eyes jolted open and his eyes immediately darted to the closed ones of Taehyung that was enjoying the kiss.

He gasped at the sight and smacked his boss. His boss fell back in his seat, a fiery red hand mark was left on Taehyung's right cheek. He groaned in pain, his hand hastily hovering over his red cheek.

It was the kick in the crotch fiasco all over again...

"Can you go through one day without physically hurting me?!" The blond yelled, the other people that were on the train glanced at them before turning back to what they were doing and ignored the two males that were currently arguing.

"Y-you kissed me?! On the lips?! W-why would you do that?! Jungkook yelled, touching his swollen lips that have been roughly kissed by his boss.

"I told you that if you didn't wake up I would kiss you so that's just what I did." The blond spoke and stared down the fragile boy that was covering his mouth with his hands.

"That's no reason to kiss someone! Especially not a co-worker! I-I can report you, and get you into jail for this!" Jungkook wailed.

Taehyung stared at the younger, shocked at first, then, it changed into a hysterical laughter.

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