One Month

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"Wake up, my bunny."

"Don't wanna." Jungkook muttered, stuffing his head into one of Taehyung's pillow that smelt of his boyfriend's cologne, using it as a substitute while being away from his stuffed toy. He cuddled up to the pillow while cocooned in layers and layers of blankets that kept him warm through the night.

"I made you some breakfast."

Jungkook's eyes opened wide when he heard the word "breakfast". He quickly sat up in bed and smiled when he saw the tall blond holding a tray in front of him as well as a big smile plastered on his lips.

Taehyung placed the tray on the younger's lap and then sat down beside his love on the bed. Jungkook awed at the food. An egg in a shape of a heart laid in the centre of a white plate with a few pieces of vegetables on the side. There is a side plate with Japanese white bread covered in strawberry butter. Then to top off the tray of delicious food there is a small bowl of fruit such as watermelon, strawberries and orange slices.

"This looks amazing." The brunet beamed, picking up the chopsticks provided and picked up the egg and began to eat it before it went cold and moaned at the flavours. "It tastes amazing to!"

"I'm glad you like it." The blond laughed as he admired the younger that continued to stuff his cheeks like a squirrel would with it's acorns.

"What's the special occasion?" Jungkook muttered through chewed up food that was still in his mouth whilst he spoke.

"Close your mouth, bunny." Tae laughed as he closed his mouth for him. "Also, why do you think there would have to be a special occasion for me to spoil my boyfriend?"

And that was it for Jungkook.

"Did Jin die?" Jungkook muttered once he swallowed all of the food that was in his mouth.

"What? No." Taehyung dismissed the idea of one of their best friends dying.

"Than who died?" The brunet asked since he was certain that someone they cared about died- or at least someone they new. He was certain about that.

"No one died-"

"Did Stanley die-?"

"No one died!" Taehyung exclaimed, startling the younger. He had to be more careful around the younger now because of the way he acted last night. "Today is our anniversary." Taehyung mumbled shyly, his cheeks and ears tinting red. "I don't expect you to remember it but it's kinda important to me and... I want to treat you well."

"I forgot our anniversary."

"O-oh... god- I'm a horrible boyfriend! I-I'm so, so, so sorry, Hyung!" Jungkook apologized, he felt horrible knowing he forgot such and important occasion. "I can't believe I forgot something like this!"

"Hey, calm down, bunny." Taehyung hushed, rubbing the younger's thigh to calm him down. "You had a busy week. That's why I'm not mad, you must have been exhausted." Taehyung reassured, kissing the crown of the brunette's forehead. "I just wanna spoil you rotten so don't worry and I'll take care of you. Now eat up."

Jungkook pathetically nodded and munched on a piece of strawberry and then some some bread with the butter and he must say he really enjoyed it. "This is really amazing, Tae. Did you have some?"

"No, I wanted to save it all for you and only you." The blond beamed, happily watching his partner munch on the food he prepared especially for him. That was enough for him. He didn't need to eat, he was content watching the younger eat instead.

Jungkook grabbed a slice of bread and cut up one side of the heart and place it on top of the bread. "Open up, say: "ah!"" Jungkook hummed as he helped the food up to his Hyung's lips.

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