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Jungkook jumped and down with excitement as he went from room to collect all of his rifle guns. Taehyung even followed him to see where he was hiding all of them. By far the most confusing one to Taehyung was the one in the bathroom which he hid in the toilet tank. When he took it out however it traced water everywhere.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you kept one in there." Taehyung sighed, watching Jungkook move out of the bathroom and to the hall in which he pulled one out from behind a potted plant which he moved after his mother's visit for safety reasons.

Jungkook looked down at the cluster of guns in his hand and counted them. "Four... I'm missing one." Jungkook tsked to himself, pulling his fingers out to start counting on them because he believed it would be easier than using his head.

"So I got one in the bedroom, the hallway, the living room, the bathroom... the kitchen!" Jungkook exclaimed, running into the kitchen, arms full of guns. He got down on his knees in front of the oven and opened the oven door and pulled out another rifle gun.

"Are you serious? Why would you keep one IN the oven?!" The blond yelled, staring at his boyfriend with wide eyes and mouth hung open.

"What? It's not like anyone uses the oven. Seriously, name one time you've seen me cook using the oven?" Jungkook puffed his cheeks and pouted at the older male.

"Ah, touché." Taehyung agreed.

Jungkook collected all of the guns in his hand and frowned. "I feel like I'm still missing one though."

"I'm sure it's just in your head, just pack the guns in the box so the moving men can load them onto the truck." Taehyung replied which Jungkook simply nodded his head to in agreement.

They went to there empty bedroom where only a few boxes laid, some filled with clothes, others filled with bedroom accessories. "Thank you for helping me pack, I know you must be tired after finishing up at your place."

"Anything to help us move faster to our place." The blond replied, heading to the closet and pulling out Jungkook's box of play things. He moved it to the bed and started dog calling while looking through it.

"Come'on! It's not like it's your first time seeing it." Jungkook laughed, smacking his boyfriend in the arm.

"I know but damn- I just really need to use these on you. Also I'm making a rule in our new apartment that when we are alone, I can only wear boxers and you can only wear these sexy clothes." The older informed, making Jungkook break down into laughter and hit his arm again.

"I'll agree to it if I get to see you wear one of these too." Jungkook smirked, picking up the red laced lingering with his pointed finger.

The blond's eyes lit up at the words and he eagerly nodded. "Deal!"

"You are a real child at times." The younger tsked, throwing his small outfits back into the box and taping it shut. He grabbed a black marker and wrote the word fragile and and a picture of a wine glass.

"Why fragile?" Taehyung snickered, looking over the younger's shoulder to see what he was doing.

"Cause, I don't want to go home and find out that one of the movers broke my vibraters! Like, I need to entertain myself when you are not home and I will sue if I see anything in here damaged. Like dildos are not cheap, I basically have to do a days work to buy like..." Jungkook stopped in his tracks to count on his fingers how many hours he would have to work. "Six... huh, not bad." Jungkook nodded to himself but Taehyung couldn't help but fall to the ground laughing at the person he is dating.

"Ah! Why are you laughing?!" Jungkook blushed, continuously slapping his boyfriend on the chest until he managed to stop laughing.

"You are so cute- FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Taehyung screamed when he felt a heavy hit to the head which he didn't even know where it came from. He looked down and found a small pistol nerf gun.

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